Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit?

To start a refreshing, energetic new day, many people like to sip some coffee. So is this a good habit? Is drinking coffee in the morning at the right time?

Most of us, drinking coffee in the morning is a habit deeply embedded in the minds of many people.

Also drinking coffee, but taking it at the wrong time can cause energy loss, insomnia, even hypertension.

To start a refreshing, energetic new day, many people like to sip some coffee. So is this a good habit? Is drinking coffee in the morning at the right time?

Drink coffee in the morning what will happen?

Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit? Picture 1Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit? Picture 1

As you know, in caffeine-rich coffees, if taken in the morning can make the brain increase hormone cortisol - stress-inducing hormones tend to rise to 50%, thereby increasing your stress level. .

According to experts as well as statistics, drinking coffee in the morning is not the best time.

In addition, drinking coffee at fasting times also significantly affects your digestive system. British manufacturer Lloyds Nitin Makadia explained: " Coffee, even without caffeine, has been shown to stimulate acid production. Especially when hungry, drinking coffee can hurt the membrane. in the stomach ".

According to Dr. Adam Simon, medical director of PushDoctor.co.uk, this can cause heartburn and indigestion.

" Drinking fasting coffee can easily cause symptoms of dehydration. At the same time, it can affect the heart, causing abnormal heart rhythms by putting pressure on the heart, adversely affecting blood pressure. ".

So what is the best time to drink coffee?

Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit? Picture 2Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit? Picture 2

Experts say the time from 10-11:30 am is the most safe and ideal time for you to sip a cup of coffee. The reason why? Because at this time, the body's cortisol level tends to decrease so it will not cause excessive stress like the morning.

However, between 12 noon and 13 pm, this is a time when you should not drink coffee, because your cortisol level once again increases. The time of 5:30 am to 6:30 pm is also suitable for drinking coffee.

After 13 hours, your cortisol level begins to decrease again. If you don't feel awake from 13:00 to 17:00 to work, enjoy a cup of coffee at this time to combat sleepiness, help you focus on your work!

Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit? Picture 3Drinking coffee in the morning is a good habit? Picture 3

The time of dinner, never drink coffee with meals or immediately after a meal. That can interfere with the absorption of iron in the body. You should maintain a gap between meal time and the amount of coffee, especially for coffee containing sugar and milk. Don't forget this if you are anemic.

Never drink coffee in the evening. That may cause you to completely lose sleep or greatly affect the quality of your sleep due to the jittery feeling that coffee causes.

Have a happy time!

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