4 absolutely not drink coffee

Coffee is a favorite drink of many people, making us feel more alert and focused on a long day. However, the use of coffee improperly and at the wrong time may be counterproductive, endangering human health. You will destroy your health when using coffee at the following 4 times.

Coffee is a favorite drink of many people, making us feel more alert and focused on a long day. However, the use of coffee improperly and at the wrong time may be counterproductive, endangering human health. You will destroy your health when using coffee at the following 4 times.

1. When coffee is too hot

If you like to drink coffee as soon as you are done, when it is still smoking, you should immediately give up that hobby and habit. According to the report of the World Health Organization, drinking hot drinks over 65 o C may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

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American restaurants often serve coffee from 60 ° C to 80 ° C. If you make coffee at home, heating can make your coffee up to 85 o C. Milk ice cream On the surface can help reduce the temperature of coffee, but only reduce about 5 o C. The best way is to be patient, a cup of coffee only 5 minutes can reduce to a safe temperature.

2. When you are feeling nervous

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If you are feeling anxious, your mood is not good, drinking coffee may make your mood worse. According to Ali Miller, a pharmacist and research specialist at the Dwidyl Medical Institute (Philippines), caffeine in coffee has a negative stimulating effect on the nervous system, producing cortisol. Cortisol is produced too much at a time that can cause the immune system to deteriorate, adversely affecting the human body. It makes you feel sluggish, has no choice to try for a long day.

To reduce the effects of caffeine on health, you should reduce the amount of coffee you drink every day, or you can break it down into small cups many times a day and about 6 hours of sleep time.

3. When you are tired of lack of sleep

Coffee can make you more alert when you feel sleepy. But a recent study has shown that caffeine in coffee will not work and will not make you more alert if you sleep less than 5 hours a day for 3 consecutive days, which means lack of Your sleep has become serious.

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The cause of this problem is that your lack of sleep causes your body to lose energy to regulate the cognitive activity that caffeine cannot compensate for. If you can't sleep 7 hours a day, don't use coffee. When you feel too tired and sleepy, the best thing to do is take a nap for about 20 minutes, these naps will help you become more alert.

4. Early in the morning

Drinking coffee at 6 am does not give you any additional energy for the new day. That's because within 2 hours after you wake up, the time when the hormone cortisol is at its highest, it is a natural energy that will help your body become more alert and healthy. So you don't need to add any other stimulant like coffee at this time.

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Researchers believe that the best time you should drink the first cup of coffee in the day is from 10 am to 12 noon, when the hormone cortisol begins to decrease. That way, you will always keep your balance, energy and refreshing spirit ready for a long day.

If you drink coffee early in the morning, you will probably feel tired and need another cup of coffee at noon to continue working. Drinking too much coffee is not good for health, especially for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach problems.

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