Drinking 5 cups of coffee a day can help you live longer?
Recent findings have added to the fact that coffee actually has quite a number of health benefits.
Good news for coffee drinkers.
A study published in the journal Circulation Science showed that people who regularly drink coffee - drink less than 5 drinks a day, will reduce the risk of premature death due to several different causes such as heart disease. circuits, diabetes, brain and neurological problems including suicide behavior.
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Drinking 5 cups of coffee a day can help you live longer? Picture 1
This does not necessarily mean that coffee is the golden key to helping people live longer. However, the findings of the researchers found that people who drank coffee regularly for 30 years were at lower risk of having problems with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, brain problems. and suicide. Studies have reported that many of the ingredients in coffee are known to have a direct effect on helping reduce insulin resistance or reducing inflammation and this may bring better benefits to health as well as substance. the amount of life.
Researchers have been collecting data for 30 years on a total of 208,500 people, both sexes. They asked the study participants to be people who had a habit of drinking coffee regularly for four years for three decades. The relationship between the level of coffee consumption and the reduction in risk of death is even more enhanced, if the testers belong to the non-smoking group.
Drinking 5 cups of coffee a day can help you live longer? Picture 2
The researchers acknowledge that coffee consumption reports are not completely reliable and that the study is not designed to seek direct benefits from coffee for health. However, scientists believe that this link requires more research to understand what motivated it, because previous studies have isolated some beneficial compounds, from anti-substances. oxidation to anti-inflammatory agents in coffee. Interestingly, researchers found that the effect brought by traditional coffee is comparable to caffeine-removed coffees. This suggests that: " Other compounds in coffee besides caffeine may play a beneficial role in mediating the link between long-term coffee drinking and the risk of death ."
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Drinking 5 cups of coffee a day can help you live longer? Picture 3
The results given above are only the earliest step for the " reputation recovery " of coffee. Because for years, coffee was thought to be an unhealthy drink. However, in the past, in the 1970s and 1980s, there was a lot of concern that coffee was associated with an increase in cancer and cardiovascular disease. In fact, these opinions do not take into account the fact that coffee drinkers are more likely to be smokers as well; At the same time, there are unhealthy living habits, contributing to the risk of cancer and heart problems, blood pressure. To explain these factors, recent studies have begun to find a positive side, suggesting that people who drink coffee will have less risk of premature death.
Although there is still a lot of skepticism about the effect and effect of coffee on human health, but each of us still has to keep in mind one thing is always true: " Consuming any kind of food Whichever is attached to any of the habits, make sure it is good for our health, the condition is always good, even with food or other habits! more harm than good ".
The researchers acknowledge their newly published work on the effects of aerial coffee is completely reliable. And this research project is not designed to find out the direct benefits of coffee to health. But from this result, coffee deserves more attention from scientists, with subsequent studies, to help draw more detailed conclusions.
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Having fun!
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