The story of two seeds will help you take the first step to achieving your dreams

Invite you to read the story of the two seeds below - which will help you take the first step to achieving your dreams!
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Do you have any dreams? If so, did you try to do anything to achieve that dream or just think in your head? Here is a story about two seeds that will help you rethink your own life - which will help you take the first step to achieving your dreams!

The story of two seeds will help you take the first step to achieving your dreams Picture 1The story of two seeds will help you take the first step to achieving your dreams Picture 1

Two seeds lie side by side on the same fertile soil.

The first seed said : ' I want to grow up! I want to dig roots into the ground and sprout. I dreamed that I was blooming, signaling the spring. I want to catch the warm rays of the sun and the dewdrops glittering on the petals! '

And then, this seed grows and becomes a beautiful flower.

The second seed said : ' I'm afraid. If I took root deep in the ground, I wouldn't know what I was facing. If I grow a slender body, they can be broken by the wind. And if flowers bloom, I can be picked up. So I would rather wait until it's safer. '

The second seed waited, but in the meantime a chicken passed and pecked it into the abdomen.

Is this story easy to understand?If you have a dream, do something with it. The first small step you make will make a big difference. If you just wait in a safe cover and worry about the difficulties faced, you will stagnate and your dreams will die.

Stop killing your own dreams! Believe in yourself and take the first step, even if it's just a small act!

See also: 5 dangerous habits "killing" the dream of life that you should quit immediately

Having fun!

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