You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it

Instant noodles or shrimp noodles with fast, light and cheap advantages are a convenient dish familiar to many people around the world. But the production of them is not simple at all, even insiders have to say: It's as difficult as producing instant noodles.

Instant noodles or shrimp noodles with fast, light and cheap advantages are a convenient dish familiar to many people around the world. But the production of them is not simple at all, even insiders have to say, "It's as difficult as instant noodles production."

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Let's find out how complicated the production of shrimp noodles is!

1. Raw materials

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 1You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 1

Wheat flour is the main raw material for the production of instant noodles, in addition to increasing the level of gold for noodles to produce finished products, a part of turmeric powder is used. Quality-tested flour will be transported to the factory by trucks. They are poured into high towers to prepare for processing.

2. Mix flour

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 2You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 2

Suitable flour, water and spices will be poured into the mixer.

3. Rolling dough

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 3You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 3

After mixing well, the dough will be transferred to roll forming machine to create thickness and toughness for noodles.

4. Cutting yarn

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 4You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 4

The dough is cut into fibers, shaped according to the product. But usually they are round, small fibers like we still eat.

5. Steaming and drying

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 5You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 5

Noodles are brought into the steaming chamber to be cooked evenly by saturated steam and then dried.

6. "Balance"

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 6You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 6

The noodles are then cut according to the prescribed quantity and placed in each mold.

7. Fried noodles

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 7You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 7

The squeezed noodles will be fried in the automatic system, the temperature of the oil is controlled and maintained stable. This process makes noodles lose water, which helps to increase the shelf life.

  1. Check the process of frying instant noodles in the factory

8. Drying

Noodles are brought through the blower to cool and prepare packing.

9. Pack spices

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 8You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 8

Vegetables are washed, dried, cut or crushed by automatic chains. It is then mixed with spices according to its own formula and dried using the freeze-drying technique to increase the preservation time but still retain the flavor when meeting with water.

Spices are an important part of making brands different.

10. Quality inspection

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 9You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 9

Finished product noodles must pass at least two tests: the metal detector and the weight check. These two stages are performed on machines. Any product with errors exceeding the allowed level will be removed.

11. Product packaging

You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 10You need 3 minutes to have a hot bowl of shrimp noodles but the manufacturer needs 12 complex stages to create it Picture 10

Noodles that have passed rigorous testing will be put on packaging lines.

12. Boxed

Packages of noodles are packed into boxes and delivered to shops and supermarkets.

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