Do you already know basic text processing?
Please read the knowledge with extremely simple test questions about word processing. With 10 questions, each question contains 4 answers, please choose the best answer.
- Question 1. What is Microsoft cloud storage service?
- Google Driver
- Mediafire
- OneDrive
- All answers above
- Question 2. In Word editing, to insert special characters into the text, we do:
- View -Symbol
- Format - Symbol
- Tools -Symbol
- Insert - Symbol
- Question 3. Which of the following software is not a WEB browser?
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Netcape
- Question 4. The Zoom bar displays 100% meaning:
- Text is currently displayed in standard font mode compared to content
- Text is displayed as when printed on paper
- Both of these definitions are true
- Question 5. In Word editing, use which hotkey to select all text:
- Alt + A
- Ctrl + A
- Ctrl + Shift + A
- Sentences A and B
- Question 6. In Word, there are several ways to create Word Art?
- first
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Question 7. During the drafting process, you want to number on the right number keys in case the Numclock lamp is not lit yet:
- Press the number keys
- Press Ctrl + number key combination
- Press Shift + numeric key combination
- Press Numclock, then start pressing the number keys
- Question 8. In Word editing, you want to split a cell in the Table into multiple cells, we do:
- Table - Merge Cells
- Table - Split Cells
- Table - Cells
- Tools - SplitCells
- Question 9. The reader knows the file is open as the last version and only allows reading, you choose?
- File -> info -> Protect Document -> Restrict Editing
- Review -> Restrict Editing -> Editing restrictions -
> No changes (Read only)
- Review -> Restrict Editing -> Editing restrictions -
- File -> info -> Protect Document -> Mark as Final
- File -> info -> Protect Document -> Encrypt as Password
- Question 10. How are the Save and Save As commands different?
- Save is to save the document and Save As is to save the document just Save
- Save is saving the document, and Save As is saving the document with another name
- All is wrong
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