Differences in women's lives before and after the age of 30
Everyone among us must be old and at every age, everything will change.When you were 20 years old, you gathered and stirred up with your friends, but 30 years old were more gentle meetings.It all comes from " you have grown up " or sometimes " you have aged ". Interests and habits can change with the environment, as well as the circumstances of life, especially before and after marriage. Here are the differences in women's lives before and after their 30s .
Differences in women's lives before and after the age of 30 Picture 1
Before the age of 30, at around 10 pm, many sisters began preparing makeup to go on dates , hang out with friends and lovers. But after age 30, everything was different, 10 o'clock was a good time to remove makeup before going to bed.
Differences in women's lives before and after the age of 30 Picture 2
Re-reading the messages sent to her husband when she was young, you will clearly see this difference.
Differences in women's lives before and after the age of 30 Picture 3
In the past, you and he dated all the time.Now everyone wants to go to bed early 11 o'clock, end a tired day.
Differences in women's lives before and after the age of 30 Picture 4
Before eating comfort sweets without fear of fat, now only bite a piece of chocolate and make you fat a few centimeters.
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Before the age of 30, watching happy couples feel very admired, but what about after 30?
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When you were young, you were afraid of others saying bad things about you, but over the years, you didn't need to be too concerned about it, because you lived not to please everyone.
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In the past, I used to imagine myself when I was 30 and felt it was scary, but when I was 30, you were ready to take everything.
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Before the age of 30, you often felt happy and proud to have many friends on Facebook, but after the age of 30 you suddenly realized that you don't need a thousand " virtual friends " to do anything, just 2-3 good friends are enough.
Differences in women's lives before and after the age of 30 Picture 9
The day before you travel, you can be anywhere, as long as it is cheap and economical, but usually when you turn 30, you prefer a much more luxurious, convenient bed.
You should read it
- 12 things that we don't need to care after age 30
- Funny set of 20 differences between men and women
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- Funny sayings about women
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- Why is it foolish to say that when you love the smartest women?
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