What do women really want?

What do women really want? It is a puzzle that perhaps comes to the best wisdom house in this world.

King Arthur, the young king of England, was ambushed and captured by the French kingdom. Perhaps the king of France will kill him, but Arthur's lovely youthfulness has touched the king of France. He promised to release Arthur if he solved an extremely difficult puzzle. The deadline for Arthur to give the answer is one year. If after a year, if no solution is found, Arthur will have to die.

The puzzle is: "What do women really want ?"

It is a puzzle that perhaps comes to the best wisdom house in this world. And with Arthur this puzzle is a great challenge. But it is still better than death anyway. Arthur accepted the risk.

What do women really want? Picture 1What do women really want? Picture 1

When he returned to England, he asked everyone from princesses, prostitutes, parish priests to judges, but no one could give a perfect answer. What everyone advised the king was to ask the old witch because perhaps only she could solve that puzzle.

The end of the year has also come close. Arthur had no choice but to consult the witch. She agreed to give the answer but on one condition. That she wanted to marry Garwain the brave knight of the Round Table, the best friend of the king.

Arthur was horrified. She was both ugly and dirty. He has never seen a disgusting person like her. No, he will not let his best friend suffer.

Upon learning, Garwain told Arthur that his sacrifice was incomparable to the life of the king, the existence of the Round Table and the United Kingdom. And the knight decided to sacrifice.

The marriage was approved and King Arthur received the answer.

What do women really want? Picture 2What do women really want? Picture 2

What women really want is: " They have full power to DECIDE everything in their lives ."

Immediately everyone realized that she had just uttered a truth. Their king will definitely be saved. Indeed, the king of the neighbor was very pleased with the answer and let Arthur escape the death sentence.

Talk about the witch's wedding and the knight. It seemed like nothing could make Arthur regret and suffer more. However, our knight still behaves very well and politely. The witch, on the other hand, in the wedding party, she messed up everything. Sometimes she would take her dirty hand and take this a little bit, take the other one. It doesn't work. Everyone is very upset.

At the wedding night, Garwain mustered up the courage to enter the flower room. But, what is this? In bed is not an ugly old witch, but a very beautiful girl waiting for him to ever.

Realizing the surprise on the knight's expression, the girl slowly explained that he was very good to her when she was a witch, so to reward the knight, she would become a lovely beauty. with him in half the time of 24 hours a day.

What do women really want? Picture 3What do women really want? Picture 3

The problem is that he must choose her beautiful image during the day or night.

Why Alas so difficult? Garwain began to consider: In the daytime if she was a beautiful girl, I could be proud to accompany her everywhere, but how could I endure it at night? Or vice versa, I don't need to be face-to-face with my friends, let her be ugly in front of everyone, and when night falls, I will enjoy my husband and wife moments with this angel ?

If it was Garwain, what would you choose?

Garwain said:

- She decided to take her fate. She wanted to be beautiful or ugly at all times because I loved her. Of course, this answer made the witch wear the beautiful girl satisfied.

- I will transform into a beautiful woman for life. It was a reward for him, who respected women's opinions. And being a woman, no one wants me ugly.

Years later, when Garwain became an old man, he often reminded his children and others that: " Whether beautiful or ugly, the nature of your wife is still a witch ."

Source: Stories of collectibles!

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