Difference between Flutter and Java

Flutter and Java are the two most popular technologies in the field of app creation. So what's the difference between Flutter and Java? Let's find out with TipsMake.com.com!

Flutter and Java are the two most popular technologies in the field of app creation. So what's the difference between Flutter and Java ? Let's find out with TipsMake!

Difference between Flutter and Java Picture 1Difference between Flutter and Java Picture 1

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a software development kit developed by Google. It was introduced in 2017 and is very popular with the mobile application developer community. Flutter gives mobile programmers an application experience that feels like running on a real mobile device. Flutter uses dart as a programming language, similar to other languages. Learning Flutter is also very easy.

Google Ads, Google Play, and ClasterMe are some popular apps developed using the Flutter platform.

Advantages of Flutter:

  1. Hot-reload: One of Flutter's most developer-friendly features. It helps programmers save a lot of time.
  2. Cross-platform support: With a single code base, Flutter allows programmers to develop Android and iOS apps, while ensuring consistency in design and functionality.
  3. Rich widget library, including Text, Images, Buttons, Row, Column, Stack, List. They include a large collection of properties that allow users to customize widgets at a deep level.
  4. Active support community.


Disadvantages of Flutter

  1. The community is still growing and needs to invest time to learn.
  2. Buile APK or IPA using Flutter is always larger in size than Android-based Java and iOS-based Swift.
  3. Not a suitable choice for applications that require hardware support such as Bluetooth, sensors, fingerprint.


Java was originally developed by Sun Microsystem, then by Oracle. It is the most popular object-oriented programming language used for mobile, web and cloud app development. Currently, Java is still the main language choice for beginners.

Advantages of Java:

  1. The Java user community has grown and continuously developed over the years.
  2. Easy to maintain, saves costs and time.
  3. Consumes less memory than apps using Flutter.

Disadvantages of Java:

  1. The development cycle is slower.

Compare the differences between Flutter and Java

Flutter Java
It is a cross-platform application development tool. A programming language used to develop and design cross-platform apps.
Use the dart programming language to write code. Is a programming language for writing code.
Free of charge Free of charge
Provides efficient and flexible UI. UI is not too impressive.
Material design support. Material design is not provided.

Tools that integrate with Flutter and Java

Flutter Java
Firebase Docker
Android SDK Intellij IDEA
Dart Spring Boot
Socket.IO Scala
Outbrain Android SDK
Google AdMob Spring
Agora Eclipse
Razorpay Datadog

Above are the things you need to know about Flutter and Java as well as the basic differences between them. Hope the article is useful to you.

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