A back-end programmer will write code for back-end servers including web servers, database servers, and application servers. Currently, this job has a large recruitment demand, with many different career opportunities. In addition to core Java knowledge, you need to master the back-end stack below:
Which career Java programming options are waiting for you? Picture 2
Photo source: A Brand New Way on Flickr
A Big Data programmer specializes in working with terrible data sets. Selecting this direction, the career path can be promoted very quickly because more and more companies seek to take advantage of huge data sets to serve business decisions, management, strategic planning. . To be considered for this position, candidates need to have knowledge of:
Which career Java programming options are waiting for you? Picture 3
Android based Java. To develop an Android application at any level of complexity that goes beyond the basics, you'll have to use Java. Once you've researched the Android platform, your career opportunities will skyrocket. Every company that has a website, or operates in the field of e-commerce, needs an Android (and iOS) application to maintain its presence on every platform.
Which career Java programming options are waiting for you? Picture 4
Photo source: Binary Koala on Flickr
This is an appropriate career choice, has the opportunity to grow, with the number of large devices from the router to the network equipment or the entertainment center using Java inside, you won't worry about what you will do. What after finishing school.
How is your Java work progressing? What stage of the process are you in? And which application are you working in? Do you have any valuable experience with this programming language? Please share with us and other readers by commenting below this article.
Wish you have a job that suits your aspirations!