Detects 540 million Facebook user data publicly stored on Amazon servers

The data set of the Colectiva Cultura has a total of 146 GB, including 540 million Facebook user record records.

Researchers at network security company UpGuard have discovered Facebook user information store including user codes, comments, interaction and names of Culturea Colectiva accounts, digital platform in Mexico City is publicly hosted on Amazon cloud servers. The data set of the Colectiva Cultura has a total of 146 GB, including 540 million Facebook user record records.

This shows that Facebook still has no specific moves to protect and prevent user data leakage after the Cambridge Analytica event occurred a year ago.

Detects 540 million Facebook user data publicly stored on Amazon servers Picture 1Detects 540 million Facebook user data publicly stored on Amazon servers Picture 1
The Facebook user information store is revealed on Amazon's server.

Anyone can download this information. Facebook's policy prohibits storing Facebook information on a database. So when Bloomberg warned Facebook about the incident, the company worked with Amazon to remove these data.

UpGuard also found another database containing passwords and emails of more than 22,000 accounts of the At the Pool application. However when considering data, this security company deleted them.

Detects 540 million Facebook user data publicly stored on Amazon servers Picture 2Detects 540 million Facebook user data publicly stored on Amazon servers Picture 2
The Cambridge Analytica event left millions of Facebook users exposed.

For many years, before the Cambridge Analytica scandal was uncovered, Facebook shared user information indiscriminately with developers. And with UpGuard's discovery, we know that the data shared by Facebook users is being stored publicly on public platforms.

Although this dataset has been removed by Amazon, researchers can't know how much data has been duplicated and backed up elsewhere.

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