What does leak mean?

Leaks are words that are used a lot today in different meanings, so we need to understand the correct meaning to use the right case.

Leak words understood in the dictionary sense are very simple, but when applied to different cases and contexts, they can be understood in many different meanings. Currently, the word Leak is used a lot on the internet, under different circumstances such as talking about certain leaked images. So what does Leak mean and to what circumstances? Let's find the answer in the article below.

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1. What is the meaning of Leak?

In the English-Vietnamese dictionary, the word Leak can be a noun for leaks, gaps, leaks . If verb means Leak, it means leakage . Regardless of the noun or verb meaning, Leak means the word leak. Leaks can be used in engineering and in everyday life.

What does leak mean? Picture 1What does leak mean? Picture 1

2. How to use Leak?

As mentioned above, Leak is used in the technical field or in the field of life such as referring to water leaks, gas leaks, etc. In addition, Leak is also used on the internet for only one information and content. it is disclosed without the permission of others, or before the scheduled release date. For example, the film was leaked before the nationwide release, or the MV was leaked, revealed, leaked some images or audio clips on the network before being released. Or Facebook personal data is also at risk of being leaked out.

What does leak mean? Picture 2What does leak mean? Picture 2

The leak of information, this content will somewhat affect the public's coverage because they were circulated online, before the time of release. This also affects the content owner when the work is widely distributed without consent. Therefore, the leak of content and information should be prevented before they spread quickly on the network and users should not view those leaked works.

Hope this article was helpful to you!

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