Creating your own gaming event – what do you need?

Gaming has become incredibly popular over the last few years. Perhaps you've always wanted to run your own gaming event to bring like-minded people together from all over the country. 

We've listed everything you'll need to create your very own gaming event.


The right equipment is a necessity for a successful gaming event. From the peripherals and monitors to power cords from suppliers such as RS, you'll need to make sure that everything is up to scratch for those who are attending.

It could be worth hiring the equipment rather than buying it, depending on the size of the event. You'll be able to specify the exact amount of equipment you'll need and can rest assured that they will be of high quality. You'll also need enough seating for everyone, whether they are gamers or viewers.

Plus, once the event is over, you won't have to worry about where you'll be storing all of your gaming equipment.

Picture 1 of Creating your own gaming event – what do you need?Picture 1 of Creating your own gaming event – what do you need?

What game?

If you're hosting a tournament, try to consider what game is popular at the time of the event and whether everyone will enjoy playing it. You'll need to choose one that appeals to a broad audience to encourage them to attend the event.

Ensure the game has a fun multiplayer mode to get everyone involved. Whether the game is focused around a match, race or a good old sing-song – be sure that it will bring excitement to your event.

Staff and security

Depending on the size of your event, you may need to hire staff and security to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Due to the nature of the event, gamers can often become quite loud and rowdy. Having staff on hand to control and direct where necessary will ensure things don't get out of hand.


Remember that you'll need to market your event if you want people to show up! To do this, you can post an advertisement on social media, write messages in group chats or gaming forums or speak to people in person to encourage word-of-mouth.

You can also create visual posters and hang them around your local town. Simply ensure they have all the relevant information included, such as the date, time and address of the event. There's also no harm in posting through people's letterboxes to get the word out.

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