Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam

On its website, Viet A introduces itself as a pioneer in disseminating high-tech tests in the health sector.

In the context of a new pandemic strain of corona virus worldwide, the best way to limit the spread is to test as much as possible to isolate isolated objects.

Vietnam is one of the few countries that has currently successfully produced a nCoV detection kit (kit) for the Army Medical Academy and Viet A Technology Joint Stock Company. This test kit gives 100% accurate results after 2 hours and meets the criteria equivalent to the biological kits provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO guidelines. This kit has just been licensed by the Ministry of Health for mass production.

Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam Picture 1Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam Picture 1

Mr. Phan Quoc Viet (1980), General Director of Viet A Technology Joint Stock Company

The kit uses molecular biology techniques (RT-PCR and realtime RT-PCR), manufactured on ISO 13485 standard line, Labo verifies ISO Class 8 standard.

The kit is prepared in the form of a solution, which is effective for checking nCoV in samples of upper respiratory tract specimens (nasopharyngeal fluid, throat rinses), lower respiratory tract (sputum, alveolar fluid, intubation, pleural fluid) and blood sample.

Independent testing at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, evaluating on patient samples, compatible with 5 types of common devices in medical facilities in the country, 100% accurate results in all test times. The National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology confirmed that the biopsy kit is recommended to detect nCoV.

Unit producing kit: Solving problems in 2 weeks

Viet A Technology Joint Stock Company is a company specializing in the field of molecular biology, with a capital of 1,000 billion VND, located in Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City. The company has a team of experts with more than 10 years of experience in the field of molecular biology, this is also the first group in Vietnam to successfully apply and put into business from the very early use of technology. realtime PCR (is a molecular biology experiment technique based on polymerase chain reaction) and molecular hybrids.

Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam Picture 2Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam Picture 2

By the end of 2017, Viet A has increased its charter capital from VND 200 billion to VND 1,000 billion

The company is fully equipped with the necessary equipment for the study and application of molecular biology such as: PCR, real-time PCR, centrifuges . Currently, the company has equipped over 15 real-time machines. The latest generation PCR, some of the company's machines are supporting customers who are large hospitals: Central Hospital of Can Tho, Hue Central Hospital, .

According to the sharing of Mr. Phan Quoc Viet, General Director of Viet A Technology Joint Stock Company, Military Medical Academy and Viet A Company started work in December 2019 (when the new outbreak appeared in China). . Viet A is the only unit that meets all the conditions to grant a "visa" (license) in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and is the only unit issued by the Ministry of Health to a visa for nearly 15 similar biological sets. .

" In the face of a complicated disease situation, it is required that a 2-week study (2 weeks for products to be included in the experimental evaluation). Very quick, Military Academy and We had to prepare for this before Tet, so when the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the order that the Military Medical Academy joined us in. We did our research, standardized and produced the first product. Within 2 weeks, then tested at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, the initial results showed that our 3 test kits can be used to detect SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in reality, "Mr. Viet shared with the press about the product research process.

Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam Picture 3Covert behind the Covid-19 test kit made in Vietnam Picture 3

The nCoV test kit "made in Vietnam" manufactured by Viet A

Currently, the only method in the world recognized by WHO as the "gold standard" for detecting this virus is Real-Time RT-PCR. Only WHO, CDC (USA), China, UK, Germany, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea have had Covid-19 test kit.

According to Mr. Phan Quoc Viet, in the application of Molecular Biology techniques to test kits, Vietnam does not lag behind other countries in the world. The Vietnamese kit is "ready to use", which means it is "ready to use" without having to be prepared like those of other manufacturers.

Mr. Phan Quoc Viet said, " This research is like a battle, this is a responsibility to the community and an opportunity to contribute to society. To successfully produce this product, many days, representatives The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Military Medical Academy, the Viet A Company had to stay up all night. There were days when the parties interacted from 6 am to 3 am the next day . "

At present, the production capacity of the company is about 10,000 sets / day, when it is needed to mobilize, it can increase the capacity up to 3 times (about 30,000 sets / day), fully meet domestic and export demand, or support. international assistance.

The cost of producing the kit has been funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology so the current price is only VND 400,000 - VND 600,000 / test. The market price of CDC USA is 2-3 times higher, but not commercially produced in ready-to-use kit. 1 kit of 50 tests, used 50 times. Theoretically, for 50 patients.

This production capacity was assessed by the authorities to meet domestic demand and partly export. " The company does not take into account the loss and profit, just want to contribute to the community, " Mr. Viet shared with the press.

Mr. Viet also recommended that ordinary people cannot buy this test kit on the market because of the requirement that specialized technical equipment must be used at medical facilities.

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Pham Cong Tac said that immediately after Vietnam successfully produced a one-step RT-PCR kit for detection of SARS-CoV-2, hosted by the Military Medical Academy, in collaboration with Cong A Viet Technology Joint Stock Company has implemented, many countries and businesses have raised the issue of buying a kit manufactured by Vietnam.

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