The Sophia robot will arrive in Vietnam on July 13

On July 13, Sophia, the first citizen robot in the world, will come to Vietnam to discuss issues of the 4.0 Revolution at the High Level Forum and Industry Exhibition 4.0.

On July 13, Sophia, the first citizen robot in the world, will come to Vietnam to discuss issues of the 4.0 Revolution at the High Level Forum and Industry Exhibition 4.0.

High-level Forum and International Exhibition of Industry 4.0 - Industry 4.0 Summit 2018 will take place on 12 and 13 July 2018 at JW International Hotel. Marriott, Hanoi with the theme: "Vision and strategy for breakthrough development in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution" co-hosted by the Government and the Central Economic Committee.

The Sophia robot will arrive in Vietnam on July 13 Picture 1The Sophia robot will arrive in Vietnam on July 13 Picture 1

At the opening session of this high-level forum, the robot Sophia will appear at the opening and discuss directly the issues of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Sophia will also discuss directly on a number of contents such as innovating in anticipation of technology trend 4.0, application of artificial intelligence in the development of digital economy . with the press.

Sophia is equipped with artificial intelligence technology (AI) and the ability to analyze large data so she is able to offer intelligent answers. And since being a robot, Sophia's opinion was judged to be 'honest' and objective.

See more:

  1. Robots are identical to humans that are almost indistinguishable, causing confusion and fear
  2. Citizens of the first robot in the world want to get married
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