Not only brings beauty effects, helps the body supple, durable, cordyceps has long been considered by the Chinese as a precious medicine. So what cure cordyceps ? This article will help you understand correctly and better about the effect of this drug that is considered as a 'panacea'!

main content

  1. Find out the main ingredients in cordyceps
  2. Cordyceps What cure - According to the concept of Eastern medicine?
  3. Cordyceps cure disease - According to Western conception?
  4. Note when using cordyceps to treat disease

Cordyceps what cure? Picture 1

Find out the main ingredients in cordyceps

Cordyceps contains many components that are good for health, especially among them are the three main components including:

  1. Mannitol: Diosmol content in mannitol can be found in many plants, but only cordyceps contain the most. Besides helping to reduce blood fat, it also helps blood vessels dilate, against a number of extremely effective cardiovascular disease.
  2. Adenosine: This component has the function of reducing the growth of bad cells while increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood.
  3. Cordyceps polysac-charide: This is the highest content in cordyceps. They have the effect of improving the immune system, preventing viral diseases such as flu, hepatitis .

Learn : What is cordyceps? Are animals or plants?

Cordyceps What cure - According to the concept of Eastern medicine?

According to traditional oriental medicine (especially traditional Chinese medicine), cordyceps is both cold (cold) and hot. Therefore, they have been recognized as having an excellent yin and yang balance effect.

In the ancient Chinese medicine books have shown: Cordyceps has a very effective healing effect on the body such as: 'Helping the body, complementing the bone marrow, blood sputum only' ; 'Complementary kidney function, maintenance of organs' or 'Yin, Yang, and illness conditions' .

According to these books, cordyceps is considered a natural herb that is absolutely safe for human health. In particular, they do not cause side effects.

Cordyceps what cure? Picture 2

Cordyceps cure disease - According to Western conception?

Countries with the most advanced advanced medicine in the world such as the US, Japan, India, etc. have also conducted many studies to prove the healing ability of cordyceps.

According to research published in the journal 'International Medicinal Mushrooms' Cordyceps can treat diseases such as:

1. Support cancer treatment

Several clinical studies conducted in Japan and China have shown that patients with various cancers receive 6 grams of cordyceps per day along with a combination of chemotherapy in 2. May will be able to significantly reduce tumor size. In comparison, patients who received only regular chemotherapy did not experience any significant improvement.

2. Support a number of cardiovascular diseases

The chemical analysis shows that, in the cordyceps contains: Adenosine, deoxy-adenosine, nucleotide adenosine and other types of free nucleotides . These are all components that have the ability to keep stable and adjust disorders. heartbeat.

In addition, the digoxin, hydrochlorothiaside, dopamine and dobutamine in this precious medicinal herb also improve the quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure. They increase general physical conditions, heart function health as well as improve sex life.

Cordyceps what cure? Picture 3

3. Application in the treatment of HIV / AIDS

This is one of the great uses of cordyceps for humans. In cordyceps contains a group of active substances HEAA (Hydroxy-Etyl-Adenosin-Analogs) has strong antibacterial and antiviral effects. And one of the active ingredients in this group is used by American experts to make anti-AIDS drugs. Currently, the drug has been used in countries with high rates of HIV infection and weakened immune systems such as those in Africa.

4. Support treatment of liver diseases

Many research results have proved that cordyceps helps increase the efficiency of liver.

Currently, cordyceps is also used in the treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C in many countries in Asia.

Besides, they are also used in combination with some other medicinal mushrooms to support lamivudine in the treatment of hepatitis B.

5. Regulating blood sugar, controlling diabetes

Cordyceps what cure? It will be deprived to ignore the use of diabetes management and control of this particular fungus.

Actual test shows that up to 95% of diabetics when using 3 grams of cordyceps per day has a change in blood sugar. Whereas in the non-combined treatment group, only 54% of patients had a change.

Cordyceps what cure? Picture 4

6. Supporting the treatment of a number of lung-related diseases

Studies of health experts have shown that cordyceps can increase the efficiency of using oxygen in the body. In addition, their extracts have been shown to help treat many respiratory illnesses including serious illnesses such as asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and help to suppress contractions. trachea, bronchitis .

7. Support a number of sexual dysfunction and impairment

For centuries, cordyceps has been used as an elixir to aid in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and impairment in both men and women. Using cordyceps will help to reduce desires, impotence, infertility . in order to help the life of sex pillows are sublimated.

See also : Effects of cordyceps on men and women

Note when using cordyceps to treat disease

A few notes below will help you can make the most of the treatment effects of cordyceps:

  1. Choose to buy cordyceps in a reputable and reliable address
  2. If using fresh cordyceps, pay close attention to the shelf life, usually they only have a shelf life of 2 weeks.
  3. If you must process, do not process too long because it is easy to lose nutrients in cordyceps
  4. Consult with experts, doctors to have the appropriate dosage.
  5. If you cannot find fresh or dried cordyceps, you can also use their preparations.
  6. Do not use cordyceps in the evening because it is easy to lose sleep.

Through this article you can know what cordyceps cure. There is no denying the great benefits of this rare herb, but always be careful when buying and using it to bring about the most positive effects!

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