Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth?

There are things that never exist on Earth, one of which is a three-legged creature.

There are things that never exist on Earth, one of which is a three-legged creature. This is an interesting scientific topic, in order to find the answer to the question 'Why aren't there three-legged creatures on Earth?', Perhaps scientists need to conduct a real scientific research the.

While waiting for that answer, we explore the sharing of Tracy Thomson, an Earth Science researcher from the University of California, USA on this interesting topic.

Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth? Picture 1Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth? Picture 1
The Meerkat species stands by its tail.

Thomson said that on Earth there are some animals that stand on their hind legs and use a rear tail to support them.

Meerkats, for example, with the help of their tails to support themselves or with woodpeckers use their tails against the trunk. Obviously, the extra support so that these animals can stand without too much force, helps the body to relax.

Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth? Picture 2Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth? Picture 2
Woodpeckers use their tails to support their standing.

In addition to supporting the standing posture, a third limb can also be useful while animals move. According to Thomson's observation, there are six-legged insects moving in a three-legged pattern. For example, ants, for example, when they move while the three legs hold the animal upright in position, the opposite legs and one opposite leg lift off the ground to move forward.

The kangaroo possesses an extremely strong tail, which is extremely good support when they jump or move.

So clearly, for some creatures, having an additional third leg will give them an extra edge. But why doesn't any animal have a true third leg.

According to Thomson, perhaps the answer existed millions of years ago. Perhaps even before the introduction of symmetrical organisms, the 'symmetric' codes' on both sides had been embedded in the genomes of all species. Removing it from the organism's genome is not easy.

In fact, organisms may have a third genus due to mutations. For example, an Italian man living in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was named Frank Lentini. But apparently, this mutant direction has not received the support of evolution. To preserve naturally selected symmetric "codes" the two sides will extinguish the inheritance of those DNA.

Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth? Picture 3Why are there no three-legged creatures on Earth? Picture 3
Frank Lentini, a three-legged man who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Italy.
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