Collection in C #
Collection classes are special classes for storing and retrieving data. These classes provide support for Stack, Queue, List, and Hash Table. Most Collection classes in C # deploy the same Interface.
In C #, Collection classes serve diverse purposes, such as dynamically allocating memory for elements and accessing a list of items based on an index . These classes create a collection of objects of Object class, which is the base class for all data types in C #.
Note : Stack: stack, push: add new node to top (top) stack, pop: operation takes 1 element from top of stack.
Main content of the lesson:
- Collection classes and their usage in C #
- ArrayList in C #
- Hashtable in C #
- SortedList in C #
- Stack in C #
- Queue in C #
- BitArray in C #
Collection classes and their usage in C #
The table below lists the commonly used classes of System.Collection namespace.
Description class and usage of ArrayList in C #It represents a sorted set of an object that can be indexed for each item individually.
Basically, it is an alternative to an array. However, unlike in arrays, you can add and remove items from a list at a specified location using an index and the array itself can automatically resize itself. It also allows to allocate dynamic memory, add, search and sort items in a list.
Hashtable in C #It uses a key-value pair to access elements in this collection.
A Hash Table is used when you need to access elements using a key, and you can identify a useful key value. Each item in the Hash Table has a pair of key / value . Key is used to access items in this collection form.
SortedList in C #It uses a key as well as an index to access items in a list.
A sorted list is a combination of an array and a Hash Table. It contains a list of items that can be accessed using a key or an index. If you access the item using an index, it is an ArrayList, and if you access the item using a key, it is a HashTable. The set of items is always sorted by key value
Stack in C #It represents a set of Last-in, First-out of objects. It is used when you need access to Last-in, First-out items. When you add an item to the list, it is called pushing and when you remove an item, it is called popping .
Queue in C #
It represents a First-in, First-out set of objects.
It is used when you need access to First-in, First-out items. When you add an item to the list, it is called enqueue and when you remove an item, it is called deque.
BitArray in C #It represents an array in binary representation using values 1 and 0. It is used when you need to store the Bit but not know the number of Bit. You can access items from the BitArray collection using an integer index, which starts at 0.
ArrayList in C #
ArrayList in C # represents a sorted set of an object that can be indexed for each item separately. Basically, it is an alternative to an array. However, unlike in arrays, you can add and remove items from a list at a specified location using an index and an array that automatically resizes. It also allows to allocate dynamic memory, add, search and sort items in a list.
Methods and Properties of the ArrayList class in C #:
Here are the commonly used properties of the ArrayList class in C #:
Attribute DescriptionCapacity Retrieve or set the number of elements that ArrayList can contain. Count Get the actual number of elements contained in the ArrayList. IsFixedSize Get a value indicating whether or not ArrayList is a fixed size. IsReadOnly Get a value indicating that whether or not ArrayList is read-only. Item Retrieves or sets the element at the specified index.Here are the commonly used methods of the ArrayList class in C #:
- public virtual int Add (object value); : Add an object to the end of the ArrayList.
- public virtual void AddRange (ICollection c); : Add elements of an ICollection to the end of the ArrayList.
- public virtual void Clear (); : Remove elements from that ArrayList.
- public virtual bool Contains (object item); : Determine whether or not an element is in the ArrayList.
- public virtual ArrayList GetRange (index int, int count); : Returns an ArrayList that represents a subset of the elements in the source ArrayList.
- public virtual int IndexOf (object); : Returns the index (based on 0) of the first occurrence of a value in the ArrayList or part of it.
- public virtual void Insert (int index, object value); : Insert an element into ArrayList at the specified index.
- public virtual void InsertRange (int index, ICollection c); : Insert an element of a collection into ArrayList at the specified index.
- public virtual void Remove (object obj); : Remove the first occurrence of a specified object at the specified index.
- public virtual void RemoveAt (int index); : Removing the element at the specified index of ArrayList.
- public virtual void RemoveRange (index int, int count); : Remove an array of elements from ArrayList.
- public virtual void Reverse (); : Reverse the element order in ArrayList.
- public virtual void SetRange (int index, ICollection c); : Copy the elements of a collection through a sequence of elements in the ArrayList.
- public virtual void Sort (); : Arrange elements in ArrayList.
- public virtual void TrimToSize (); : Set capacity to the actual number of elements in ArrayList.
For example:
using System ; using System . Collections ; namespace QTMCsharp { class Tester { static void Main ( string [] args ) { Console . WriteLine ( "Ví dụ minh họa ArrayList trong C#" ); Console . WriteLine ( "---------------------------------" ); ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); Console . WriteLine ( "nChèn một vài phần tử vào ArrayList: " ); al . Add (50 ); al . Add ( 93 ); al . Add ( 85 ); al . Add ( 96 ); al . Add ( 82 ); al . Add ( 25 ); al . Add ( 90 );
al . Add ( 99 ); Console . WriteLine ( "nDung lượng của ArrayList: {0} " , al . Capacity ); Console . WriteLine ( "Số phần tử trong ArrayList: {0}" , al . Count ); Console . WriteLine ( "nHiển thị các phần tử có trong ArrayList: " ); foreach ( int i in al ) { Console . Write ( i + " " ); } Console . WriteLine (); Console . WriteLine ( "nSắp xếp ArrayList rồi in: " ); al . Sort (); foreach ( int i in al ) { Console . Write ( i + " " ); } Console . WriteLine (); Console . ReadKey (); } } }
When running the above code, you get the following result:
Example illustrating ArrayList in C #
Insert some elements into the ArrayList:
Capacity of ArrayList: 8
Element number in ArrayList: 8
Show elements contained in ArrayList:
50 93 85 96 82 25 90 99
Sort ArrayList and print:
25 50 82 85 90 93 96 99
Hashtable in C #
The Hashtable class in C # uses a key-value pair to access elements in this collection. Hash Table is used when you need access to elements using a key, and you can identify a useful key value. Each item in Hash Table has a key and value pair. Key is used to access items in this collection form.
Methods and properties of the Hashtable class in C #:
The table below lists the commonly used properties of the Hashtable class in C #:
Attribute DescriptionCount Get the number of key pairs and values contained in the hashtable. IsFixedSize Get a value indicating whether or not Hashtable has a fixed size. IsReadOnly Get a value indicating whether or not Hashtable is read-only. Item Retrieves or sets the value associated with the specified key. Keys Get an ICollection containing the key in Hashtable. Values Get an ICollection containing the values in the Hashtable.List of commonly used methods of HashTablet class in C #:
- public virtual void Add (object key, object value); Add an element with the key and value specified in the hashtable.
- public virtual void Clear (); Remove all elements from Hashtable.
- public virtual bool ContainsKey (object key); Determining whether or not the Hashtable contains a specific key.
- public virtual bool ContainsValue (object value); Determining whether or not Hashtable is containing a specific value.
- public virtual void Remove (object key); Remove the element with the key identified from Hashtable.
Example of Hashtable in C #:
using System ; using System . Collections ; namespace QTMCSharp { class Tester { static void Main ( string [] args ) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable (); ht . Add ( "001" , "Hoàng Anh" ); ht . Add ( "002" , "Ngọc Anh" ); ht . Add ( "003" , "Mai Anh" ); ht . Add ( "004" , "Trâm Anh" ); ht . Add ( "005" , "Thế Anh" ); ht . Add ( "006" , "Lan Anh" ); ht . Add ( "007" , "Minh Anh" ); ht . Add ( "008" , "Linh Anh" );
if ( ht . ContainsValue ( "Ngân Anh" )) { Console . WriteLine ( "Tên học sinh này đã có trong danh sách" ); } else { ht . Add ( "009" , "Ngân Anh" ); } // Lấy tập hợp các key. ICollection key = ht . Keys ; foreach ( string k in key ) { Console . WriteLine ( k + ": " + ht [ k ]); } Console . ReadKey (); } } }
Running the above program you will get the following result:
007: Minh Anh
004: Tram Anh
005: The Anh
008: Linh Anh
009: Ngan Anh
002: Ngoc Anh
003: Mai Anh
001: Hoang Anh
006: Lan Anh
SortedList in C #
The SortedList class in C # uses a key as well as an index to access items in a list.
A sorted list is a combination of an array and a Hash Table. It contains a list of items that can be accessed using a key or an index. If you access the item with the index, it is an ArrayList, and if you access the item by key, it is a HashTable. The set of items is always sorted by key value.
Methods and properties of SortedList class in C #:
These are the commonly used properties of SortedList class in C #:
- Capacity: Get or set the capacity of SortedList.
- Count: Get the number of elements contained in SortedList.
- IsFixedSize: Get a value indicating whether or not SortedList has a fixed size.
- IsReadOnly: Get a value indicating whether or not SortedList is read-only.
- Item: Get and set the value associated with a specific key in SortedList.
- Keys: Get the keys in SortedList.
- Values: Get the values in SortedList.
Commonly used methods of SortedList class in C #:
- public virtual void Add (object key, object value); Add an element with the specified key and value in SortedList.
- public virtual void Clear (); Remove all elements from SortedList.
- public virtual bool ContainsKey (object key); Determine whether or not SortedList contains a specific key.
- public virtual bool ContainsValue (object value); Determine whether or not SortedList contains a specific value.
- public virtual object GetByIndex (int index); Get the value at the specified index of SortedList.
- public virtual object GetKey (int index); Get the key at the specified index of SortedList.
- public virtual IList GetKeyList (); Get the keys in SortedList.
- public virtual IList GetValueList (); Get the values in SortedList.
- public virtual int IndexOfKey (object key); Returns the index (based on 0) of the specified key in SortedList.
- public virtual int IndexOfValue (object value); Returns the index (based on 0) of the first occurrence of the specified value in SortedList.
- public virtual void Remove (object key); Remove the element with the specified key from SortedList.
- public virtual void RemoveAt (int index); Remove the element at the specified index of SortedList.
- public virtual void TrimToSize (); Set capacity to the actual number of elements in SortedList.
Example of SortedList in C #:
using System ; using System . Collections ; namespace CollectionsApplication { class Program { static void Main ( string [] args ) { SortedList sl = new SortedList (); sl . Add ( "001" , "Hoàng Anh" ); sl . Add ( "002" , "Ngọc Anh" ); sl . Add ( "003" , "Mai Anh" ); sl . Add ( "004" , "Trâm Anh" ); sl . Add ( "005" , "Thế Anh" ); sl . Add ( "006" , "Lan Anh" ); sl . Add ( "007" , "Minh Anh" ); sl . Add ( "008" , "Linh Anh" );
if ( sl . ContainsValue ( "Ngân Anh" )) { Console . WriteLine ( "Tên học sinh này đã có trong danh sách" ); } else { sl . Add ( "009" , "Ngân Anh" ); } // Lấy tập hợp các key. ICollection key = sl . Keys ; foreach ( string k in key ) { Console . WriteLine ( k + ": " + sl [ k ]); } } } }
Running the above code we get the result:
001: Hoang Anh
002: Ngoc Anh
003: Mai Anh
004: Tram Anh
005: The Anh
006: Lan Anh
007: Minh Anh
008: Linh Anh
009: Ngan Anh
Stack in C #
The Stack class in C # represents a Last-in, First-out set of objects. It is used when you need access to Last-in, First-out items. When you add an item to the list, it is called pushing and when you remove an item, it is called popping.
Methods and properties of the Stack class in C #:
Stack feature in C #:
- Count: Get the number of elements in the Stack.
Commonly used methods of the Stack class in C #:
- public virtual void Clear (); Remove all elements from Stack.
- public virtual bool Contains (object obj); Remove all elements from Stack.
- public virtual object Peek (); Returns an object at the top of the Stack without removing it.
- public virtual object Pop (); Remove and return the object at the top of the Stack.
- public virtual void Push (object obj); Insert an object at the top of the Stack.
- public virtual object [] ToArray (); Copy Stack to a new array.
Example of Stack in C #:
using System ; using System . Collections ; namespace CollectionsApplication { class Program { static void Main ( string [] args ) { Stack st = new Stack (); st . Push ( 'M' ); st . Push ( 'T' ); st . Push ( 'Q' ); st . Push ( 'W' ); Console . WriteLine ( "1 - Stack hiện tại: " ); foreach ( char c in st ) { Console . Write ( c + " " ); } Console . WriteLine (); st . Push ( 'V' ); st . Push ( 'H' ); Console . WriteLine ( "Giá trị có thể pop tiếp theo trong stack: {0}" , st . Peek ()); Console . WriteLine ( "2 - Stack hiện tại: " ); foreach ( char c in st ) { Console . Write ( c + " " ); } Console . WriteLine (); Console . WriteLine ( "Xóa các giá trị." ); st . Pop (); st . Pop (); st . Pop (); Console . WriteLine ( "3 - Stack hiện tại: " ); foreach ( char c in st ) { Console . Write ( c + " " ); } } } }
Results when running the above code:
1 - Stack current:
The value can pop next in the stack: H
2 - Stack current:
Delete values.
3 - Stack current:
Queue in C #
The Queue class in C # represents a First-in, First-out collection of objects. It is used when you need access to First-in, First-out items. When you add an item to the list, it is called enqueue and when you remove an item, it is called deque.
Method and properties of Queue class in C #:
The commonly used feature of the Queue class in C # is count, which takes the number of elements in the queue.
Commonly used methods of Queue class in C # include:
- public virtual void Clear (); Remove all elements from Queue.
- public virtual bool Contains (object obj); Determine whether or not an element is in Queue.
- public virtual object Dequeue (); Remove and return the object at the start of Queue.
- public virtual void Enqueue (object obj); Add an element to the end of Queue.
- public virtual object [] ToArray (); Copy Queue to a new array.
- public virtual void TrimToSize (); Set capacity to the actual number of elements in Queue.
Example of Queue in C #:
using System ; using System . Collections ; namespace CollectionsApplication { class Program { static void Main ( string [] args ) { Queue q = new Queue (); q . Enqueue ( 'Q' ); q . Enqueue ( 'T' ); q . Enqueue ( 'M' ); q . Enqueue ( 'W' ); Console . WriteLine ( "1 - Queue hiện tại: " ); foreach ( char c in q ) Console . Write ( c + " " ); Console . WriteLine (); q . Enqueue ( 'V' ); q . Enqueue ( 'H' ); Console . WriteLine ( "2 - Queue hiện tại: " ); foreach ( char c in q ) Console . Write ( c + " " ); Console . WriteLine (); Console . WriteLine ( "Xóa vài giá trị!" ); char ch = ( char ) q . Dequeue (); Console . WriteLine ( "Giá trị đã xóa: {0}" , ch ); ch = ( char ) q . Dequeue (); Console . WriteLine ( "Giá trị đã xóa: {0}" , ch ); Console . ReadKey (); } } }
The result when running the above code will be:
1 - Current Queue:
2 - Current Queue:
Delete some values!
Deleted value: Q
Deleted value: T
BitArray in C #
The BitArray class in C # manages a small array of bit values, represented in binary form, with true that the bit is turned on (1) and false indicating the bit is turned off (0). It is used when you need to store the Bit but does not know how many Bit. You can access items from the BitArray collection using an integer index, starting at 0.
Methods and Properties of the BitArray class in C #:
List of commonly used properties of BitArray class in C #:
- Count: Get the number of elements contained in BitArray.
- IsReadOnly: Get a value indicating whether or not BitArray is read-only.
- Item: Get or set the value of the bit at the specified location in BitArray.
- Length: Get or set the number of elements in BitArray.
The table below lists the commonly used methods of the BitArray class in C #:
- public BitArray And (BitArray value); Perform bitwise AND operation on the elements in the current BitArray with the corresponding elements in the specified BitArray.
- public bool Get (int index); Take the value of the bit at a specified location in BitArray.
- public BitArray Not (); Reverse all bit values in the current BitArray, so that the elements set to true are converted to false, and the elements set to false are converted to true.
- public BitArray Or (BitArray value); Perform bitwise OR operation on the elements in the current BitArray with the corresponding elements in the BitArray defined.
- public void Set (index int, bool value); Set the bit at a specified position in BitArray to the given value.
- public void SetAll (bool value); Set all bits in BitArray to the given value.
- public BitArray Xor (BitArray value); Perform bitwise operation OR on the elements in the current BitArray with the corresponding elements in the specified BitArray.
Example of BitArray in C #:
using System ; using System . Collections ; namespace Quantrimangcom { class Program { static void Main ( string [] args ) { //Tạo 2 mảng bit có kích thước là 8 BitArray ba1 = new BitArray ( 8 ); BitArray ba2 = new BitArray ( 8 ); byte [] a = { 60 }; byte [] b = { 13 }; //Lưu trữ giá trị 60 và 13 trong các mảng ba1 = new BitArray ( a ); ba2 = new BitArray ( b ); //Hiển thị nội dung của mảng ba1 Console . WriteLine ( "Phần tử của Bit Array ba1: 60" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ba1 . Count ; i ++) { Console . Write ( "{0, -6} " , ba1 [ i ]); } Console . WriteLine (); //Hiển thị nội dung của mảng ba2 Console . WriteLine ( "Phần tử của Bit Array ba2: 13" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ba2 . Count ; i ++) { Console . Write ( "{0, -6} " , ba2 [ i ]); } Console . WriteLine (); BitArray ba3 = new BitArray ( 8 ); ba3 = ba1 . And ( ba2 ); //Hiển thị nội dung của mảng ba3 Console . WriteLine ( "Bit Array ba3 sau khi thực hiện AND: 12" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ba3 . Count ; i ++) { Console . Write ( "{0, -6} " , ba3 [ i ]); } Console . WriteLine (); ba3 = ba1 . Or ( ba2 ); //content of ba3 Console . WriteLine ( "Bit Array ba3 sau khi thực hiện OR: 61" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ba3 . Count ; i ++) { Console . Write ( "{0, -6} " , ba3 [ i ]); } Console . WriteLine (); Console . ReadKey (); } } }
After running the above code we can:
Element of Bit Array three: 60
False False True True True True False False
Element of Bit Array three: 13
False True False True False False False
Bit Array ba3 after executing AND: 12
False False True False False False True False
Bit Array ba3 after executing OR: 61
False True False True False False False
According to Tutorialspoint
Previous article: Event (Event) in C #
Next article: Generic in C #
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