Climate change will make you lose your Internet connection in the near future

Internet connectivity is being threatened by climate change and rising sea levels.

Internet connectivity is being threatened by climate change and rising sea levels. This is the result of peer-reviewed research by scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Oregon. Accordingly, thousands of kilometers of fiber optic cable are in danger of being submerged leading to malfunction and paralysis when the sea level rises. This data is in the US alone, not considering cable lines in coastal cities in other countries. This bad thing will happen in the near future, about 15 years.

Climate change will make you lose your Internet connection in the near future Picture 1Climate change will make you lose your Internet connection in the near future Picture 1

In their research, scientists synthesized data from Internet Atlas, maps to track internet cables, and forecast seawater intrusion from NOAA - the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration States The results show that by 2023 there will be more than 6,400 km of Internet fiber cable in the US that is likely to be exposed to seawater.

The water resistance of underground cable is quite limited. So when submerged under water, especially seawater will be vulnerable to 'damage', then coastal cities will have great trouble connecting to the Internet.

According to the research, the current network of US suppliers includes CenturyLink, Inteliquent and AT&T, the most vulnerable. New York, Miami and Seattle cities are at risk of losing the highest Internet connection. Of course, the same risk will happen to other coastal cities in the world.

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