China 'gives the green light' to the emerging economic sector of 70 billion USD

China will take a more 'open' approach to the operation of drones and other aerial vehicles, aiming to promote the 'low orbit economy'.

'We will step up support for low-orbit flight operations, including plan approval, air traffic management, meteorological services, communications and surveillance,' said Sun Wensheng, deputy director of the department compiled by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

Also according to the agency, the airworthiness certification system for drones will also be improved to promote management policy and development of the low orbit economy.

The low-orbit economy was listed by Beijing as an emerging strategic field at the central economic work conference last December. The term covers a wide range of industries involving manned and unmanned vehicles operating at altitudes below 1,000 meters.

China 'gives the green light' to the emerging economic sector of 70 billion USD Picture 1China 'gives the green light' to the emerging economic sector of 70 billion USD Picture 1

According to a report published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the scale of the low-orbital vehicle sector has increased by 33.8% over the same period in 2023, to 70 billion USD and is expected to exceed 140 billion USD. billion USD by 2026.

In a nine-page guide for the general aviation industry, MIIT and other agencies aim to supply and innovate aviation equipment by 2027 ensuring commercial application for sectors such as air transport. urban air, logistics and emergency rescue.

'By 2030, a new development model for the general aviation industry, characterized by high-end, green and smart features will be established,' quotes the guidance issued by MIIT. 'General aviation equipment will be fully integrated into production and life, becoming a strong driving force for economic growth'.

Expand the scope of application

Current products in the field from manned airships to electric vertical takeoff/landing (eVTOL) aircraft have expanded their reach to the masses.

According to a report by MIIT, the scale of China's eVTOL industry will reach 980 million yuan in 2023, an increase of 77.3% over the same period. This sector is forecast to reach 9.5 billion yuan by 2026.

Meanwhile, civil drones recorded a 32% increase in market share to 117.4 billion yuan last year, with industrial drones accounting for 76.68 billion yuan. Multi-purpose aerial vehicles have been used in many areas including emergency assistance, power grid inspection and agricultural and forestry protection.

EVT Aerotechnics, an eVTOL developer based in Nanjing, said that the company's self-developed product, which has completed its first flight, can be mobilized to serve various fields including transportation. high-frequency cargo transport, tourism, emergency rescue and urban air travel.

State-owned China Aviation Industry Corporation also completed its first delivery flight last week and plans to operate tourism later this year.

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