82024BEC 01F4 Forever PP 42023C08 6363
00000002 0002 Unlimited money 82025838 104E
8202583A E971 Infinite item 42025C96 0063
00000014 0004 Skip random battles A202166E FF00
820255AC 0000 Get all Pokeballs 420259
0001000C 0004
420259DA 5212
0000000C 0004 Get all Pokemon badges 8202658C FFFF Get National Pokédex 3202461F 00B9
32026590 0001
82026644 6258 Complete Pokédex 4202462C FFFF
0000003C 0002
42025BA0 FFFF
0000001A 0002
42028FC0 FFFF
Use these codes to maximize all stats for each of your Pokémon.
Code Description Code Pokémon 1 420242DA 03E7 Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 1
Step 2: Choose File> Open> ROM Fire Fire Red .
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 2
Step 3: When starting the game, select Cheats> Cheat list and select Gameshark.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 3
Step 4: Then enter the code in the Code section, above the Description section, you can write the description of the code and then click OK to save the code.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 4
Then when the code is now available, when you enter the game you just need to select the code and click OK to activate it.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 5
Step 1: Launch the My Boy app and run your Pokémon Fire Red ROM .
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 6
Select the three bar icon in the upper left corner.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 7
Select Cheats .
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 8
Select New Cheat .
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 9
Click on the Cheat name and select a description of the cheat.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 10
Next select Cheat Code and enter the code corresponding to the cheat description, then click OK . Finally, click the 3-dot icon in the upper right corner and select Save to save.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 11
Select the Back button , now you will see the cheat code is active. You can click on codes to enable / disable them. To add codes, select the plus sign in the upper right corner.
Cheat Pokemon Fire Red and how to enter cheat Picture 12
If you find the game level too difficult then use Cheat, but if you feel enough to explore in Pokemon Fire Red then just explore with your ability.
Not relevant but if you want to get Coin Master spin, the game is extremely hot in the rankings, you can see how to get free coin master to get more spin for yourself.