Volition's Saints Row series has been around since 2006 and has achieved some success, but the first two versions of the game were covered in GTA's shadow. Although the first two games are rated as having very creative ideas such as the ability to play online multiplayer, in-game phones, GPS navigation for gamers, the ability to customize characters, . and sell. millions of copies. It was not until the third version called Saints Row: The Third, Volition that dug into the gold mine of this game genre when pushing the anomalies in gameplay and storyline to the maximum, bringing the publisher THQ joint venture. The revenue is larger than the first two combined.
Nine years after Saints Row: The Third was released and 7 years after Saints Row 4 was not very successful, Saints Row: The Third Remastered was born, giving gamers who have played through the original version and those who are just new. Listen to the name but not yet know the game opportunity to experience it. In this article, I will give you my own evaluation of Saints Row: The Third Remastered, an upgraded version of the game that almost saved THQ.
Heterogeneous from the start
To tell the difference and uniqueness of Saints Row: The Third Remastered, I think there's probably nothing better than comparing its first mission to GTA V. Both are bank robbery, but while Rockstar genuine evildoers wear woolen headscarps to make holes for their eyes and eyes, Saints Row's criminal superstars wear masks . one of them in the ice. While Michael, Trevor and Brad had to keep the bank employees in the room for fear of them being alerted and fired by the police, Saints Row's unusual protagonists had time to sign autographs for fans. admired and was advised by the police because . their kids wanted to meet the Saints Row idols.
The more you compare, the more you'll notice the style difference between Saints Row: The Third Remastered and GTA V or any other open world crime game. While Michael, Trevor and Brad Snider store their money in their backpacks and run away in a wretched carriage in accordance with their 'sublime' role, the Saints Row superstars directly ship a helicopter. to the bank's safe, and then taking part in a firefight that could embarrass Rambo, as bullets are calculated in barrels and damage must be billions of dollars.
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The outcome of these robbery missions also shows the difference between the two games. While GTA V paved the way for frauds, later on by letting the trio of Michael, Trevor and Brad each suffer a fate in the blizzard, the Saints Row quartet continued to experience together what happened after. it's like a 'wanderer' with missions that challenge both logic and imagination. Here, we can compare Saints Row: The Third Remastered with Just Cause, although Just Cause's Rico is a hero challenging the rules of physics and Saints Row's gang are idolized criminals.
And strange in every respect
When playing Saints Row: The Third Remastered, don't expect dramatic plot bottlenecks like GTA V or Mafia. The main highlight of the game lies in the humor and the freak that the developer Volition has filled into every corner, from the character customization system to the weapons, from the enemies you face to the The mission has them appear. We believe that when playing Saints Row: The Third Remastered, gamers will have to say 'need explanation' when seeing what happens in the game.
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For example, the game's character creation system. After completing the task of robbing the top bank of the game under the mask and being arrested, you will have the opportunity to create your character with quite a lot of options from body to face. You can give your character the image of a seasoned warrior, a lady or a model-like gentleman, but you can also transform into a fat guy in the circus, raising the 'charm' index. gender 'she / he touches the roof 100 to have a bowling ball chest or make the brief bulge as if stuffing a tomato.
You will then be introduced to the game's weapons. In addition to the normal pistols, pistols, shotguns, snipers, . you will have the opportunity to use a big, long, purple 'tree' to fight, call sharks living under the sewer to bite. people or using an octopus to control the opponent's mind. They also have an impressive arsenal sufficient to cause a war and victory: while the main characters of GTA V never touch the super modern weapons (excluding mod and part). Play online), players of the Saints Row gang have rows of tanks, planes, missiles, drones in their arsenal.

New bottles, old wine
Under normal circumstances, a game rated as 'brand new wine bottle' is often a bad game, but because Saints Row: The Third Remastered is a remake, this is not a bad word. . The quality of the old wine depends on the taste of each person, but for One I - a fan of Leslie Niesel 'awake' comedies where outrageous episodes are revealed with mirrors. The serious side of the actors - the missioniness, storyline and gameplay of Saints Row: The Third is a plus, and they remain the same in this remake.
Indeed, Saints Row: The Third Remastered has a lot in common with the comedies of Leslie Nielsen, when the characters head off into freaky, crazy situations with serious faces. Our main character will talk about the shooting of a glass plane in the sky, rushing from the cockpit into the passenger compartment, shooting down the boss of a criminal organization, rescuing accomplices and escaping at the tail of the machine. sobered as if saying he was going from his private room to the kitchen to open the fridge and take a can of Coca. And he / she really makes it as easy as you get a can of Coca!
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In addition to the over-the-top episodes, Saints Row: The Third Remastered has a lot of similar quirks and even more. The variety of missions, enemies, and upgrades in the game is also a big plus, making you unable to stop playing until you realize your character has a 'god-like' power that needs to be shot through the gun. and bombs like nothing. In a nutshell, if you're the type of gamer who likes Trevor's quirky quests or Michael's skydiving (but no parachute) sky during 'high' in GTA V, I would like to confirm that you will find it. Similar funny or quirky quests in Saints Row: The Third Remastered.
The developer of Sperasoft Studio retains the 'old wine' in Saints Row: The Third Remastered, which also means that the game's interesting location feature still exists. Gamers can still call other important characters in the ice (as well as any gangster they meet on the road) to help themselves clean up other gangs, gain custody of the area and thereby increase revenues. Enter for organization. This feature brings the necessary money for gamers to upgrade their guns, weapons, aircraft, fashion clothes and even . cosmetic surgery to repair beauty, and not too demanding. Plow hoes should be very popular in the game.
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That 'old wine' gameplay is now stored in a new bottle much more beautiful. Compared to the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition also called 'remaster,' Sperasoft Studio has done its job comprehensively, giving gamers visual effects - new lighting, vehicle models, characters. , weapons were reworked for greater detail. Your playground, Steelport city, is also updated with more detailed constructions and items to exploit the power that gamers have in PC to bring more impressive frames.
It can be said that Saints Row: The Third Remastered is a remaster version that other developers should study: keep the spirit of the game, give it a more beautiful new coat, add a few more items. New toys for gamers who have gone through the original version have more to explore, and that's enough.
Some issues
While Saints Row: The Third Remastered runs smoothly on both PCs that we use (GTX 1050 and RTX 2070 graphics cards), the game also has some pretty annoying visual issues. The lighting effects of the game can be frustrating for gamers because after adjusting back and forth many times, we still cannot find a balance and the bright color surfaces of the game are extremely dazzling. day but dark dense at night. Road vehicles are sometimes invisible and appear only when they hit you, objects can penetrate terrain, while the game's physical effects are sometimes 'short-circuited' and operate. as if you were playing Just Cause.
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In general, the bugs exist in Saints Row: The Third Remastered are not too serious and do not destroy the game, but have a significant impact on the experience of gamers. Hopefully, in the near future, Sperasoft Studio will release patches to fix these issues so that gamers' journey to conquer Steelport city will be more convenient.
The duration of Saints Row: The Third Remastered is not too long - you can complete it in just 3-4 days of play even if you spend a lot of time implementing the challenges that the game poses. As we have mentioned, the plot of the game does not have any knots or unexpected changes and so it is not memorable, but the fun gameplay and the strange, weird tasks that it brings. Certainly will leave a mark in the hearts of gamers. Whether you've been through all of Saints Row or just heard it for the first time through this re-release, Saints Row: The Third Remastered is still a game worth playing.
- Graphics are fully upgraded.
- Strange gameplay, creating your own definition with fun missions.
- Runs very smoothly at high settings.
- The lighting effects are a bit too far.
- Duration is not long with an open world game.
- Quite a bug.
The game is currently available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. On PC, the exclusive game on Epic Games Store.