Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line?

Pure water does not conduct electricity but urine is different!

Pure water does not conduct electricity but urine is different!

  1. Do you feel electrocuted when you touch things and others don't, why?
  2. How does the human body change when electrocuted?
  3. The hair of the nape of the hair watching the experiment proved the tremendous destruction of electric current 20,000V

Urine is a liquid removed by the kidneys from the body through the urethra. The main ingredient in urine is uric acid urea, sulphate salts, Ammonium salts (stubs), chloride, phosphate, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and water. Because there are many kinds of polarized chemicals dissolving or dissolving many metal ions, urine is a good conductor. Therefore, if you pee the power line, the electric fence or the electric poles will cause you to be shocked.

Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line? Picture 1Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line? Picture 1

To prove this, MythBusters science program has conducted many experiments. They first tested urinating on the subway track (with an electrical current of about 880 volts). The results showed that this action could not make you electrocuted.

The cause is thought to be due to unstable urine flow. They recorded a stream of urine and then rewinded it at a slow speed and noticed the urine droplets separately rather than a continuous flow of water. Therefore, urine flow cannot conduct electricity and of course you will not be shocked.

Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line? Picture 2Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line? Picture 2

After that, scientists had to test again but this time with electric fences. Obviously, the distance when urinating on an electric fence is about 600V much closer than the distance when standing on the railroad track. With this distance, the urine flow will be more concentrated because the urine when leaving the urethra is still a seamless stream. Of course, then it became a conductor and followed the recoil.

Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line? Picture 3Can you get a jerk, even death if you pee the power line? Picture 3

Thus, urine flow can completely conduct electricity, it may not cause you to die but certainly inevitable pain. Therefore, no matter what the reason, do not fool over the test again.

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