Email form similar to hackers
If you look at the interface, the layout will be very difficult to distinguish. You need to pay close attention to the following details:
- Title: the first point is the pending notification. In the test, we proceeded to log many Facebook accounts with different registration emails, but never received any notifications that started with the notification pending , meaning that Facebook never sent an email request. You log in to your account.
- The reply address is incorrect: normally, the From and Reply-to addresses are the same. In most cases, means that you do not need to respond to these email notifications.
- Do not give personal names: correct email from Facebook usually starts with Hi + your name , while email of hackers only has Hi .
- Content of email: if you log in to Facebook at least 1 time a day, so if you receive a message like You haven't been back to Facebook recently , it is definitely fake. Besides, if there is a message like 3 pending friends requests , it can't be trusted.
- The links do not point to the most important and recognizable clue is when hovering over the links in the email, not pointing directly to , but instead being :
Beware of phishing emails impersonating Facebook Picture 3
Hopefully some of these basic tips can help you avoid permanent dangers on Facebook and other popular social sites. In case of uncertainty about the strange emails you receive, it is best not to open and read them. Good luck!