8 habits to destroy the six-pack abdomen super fast
Adding many good foods to your body is not enough, eliminating these bad habits is just as important. Because, if you still maintain them, you want to own your 6-pack abdominal muscles "long" to achieve.
1. Eat too many processed nuts
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Processed nuts are completely different from whole grains such as brown rice, wheat, bran or nuts. They are white bread, white pasta, vermicelli . According to a University of Pennsylvanina study, people who regularly use whole grains in their diet include fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk and Protein will reduce belly fat faster and more efficiently than the group that uses refined grains.
2. Eat too many processed potatoes, especially chips
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According to a result of the survey of weight changes of more than 120,000 people conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine, including men and women for about 20 years, chips and products Processing from potatoes causes them to gain weight faster. Specifically, participants were asked every 4 years and on average, they increased by 1.5 kg / time and increased the total by 7.7 kg / 20 years.
3. Eat foods high in trans fat
Trans fat is a type of fatty acid . Fatty acids are found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, animal fats and fish oils, however, not all fatty acids are harmful to health, except trans fat. You can find it in processed foods like fast food, frozen pizza, fried food from "shops" .
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In addition to increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease such as atherosclerosis, for those who are in the process of bodybuilding, trans fat also has very bad effects. Because it not only increases the amount of fat in the abdomen, it also greatly affects the conversion of fat from other areas of the body to the abdomen.
4. Ignore practicing stable muscle groups
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If you want to own a strong body like the thunder god Thor , don't just focus on practicing the chest muscles, hand muscles and calves. Pay more attention to the stable muscles around the shoulders, hips and the center of the body as they will help you limit the unfortunate injuries that occur during training.
5. Drink less water
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Do not drink enough water every day, causing the mental and ability to participate in your training very quickly. More importantly, it also affects the effectiveness of the training session. So change this habit to get more inspiration to practice.
6. Do not start before training
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Do not because of the desire to own a six-pack body that plunges into intense exercises while, they are not suitable for your current condition and ability. Even more, many people skip the pre-exercise startups even though it has been warned that this may cause you to experience unfortunate injuries, especially when performing complex exercises.
7. Rest constantly
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The implementation of consecutive exercises will help the muscle groups to work continuously in turns, maximizing exercise time, saving time and unexpected efficiency. Do not have a habit, practice 1 lesson to rest for a few minutes because the training session will decrease.
8. Practice repeating some exercise
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Your body is able to adapt quickly to exercises, even with the most complex exercises. Therefore, challenge yourself with new exercises, increase the intensity to feel the obvious changes in the body.
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