5 reasons you should try to work freely after graduation
Time to graduate from college is the most frightening time for many students for many different reasons. For many people, it is time for you to break up with the place where you have been with students all the time and bid farewell to your friends to study with you in college days. However, one of the most frightening things after graduating is completing the curriculum and entering the real world of life.
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At this point, you start to think about what you want to do , who you want to be, where you live and what you want to do in the future. One of the best ways to answer those questions is to try to work freely. Because some people have spent a year after graduating to do freelance work, it can be confirmed that working freely is a wise decision you should consider. Here are 5 reasons you should try to work freely after graduation.
1. Set foot in the career door
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Graduating from a prestigious university journalism is based on old philosophies every day, it is important that no one knows you but yourself. Therefore, to find a job in this field or work that requires high creativity, requires you to set foot in the door of your career one way or another. Meanwhile, freelance work gives you the opportunity to interact with many different companies and individuals so you can show them your abilities. Surely you don't think, can this help you get an official position in one of these companies? But a lot of people have found the job they once dreamed of in this way.
2. Working freely gives you experience to get a formal job
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" Work experience " is a phrase commonly found in recruitment notices of companies. Many graduate students are often very shy about this because you often have very little experience , sometimes there are people who do not have any work experience at all. So how to get experience without someone giving you the opportunity to work? This explains why working from home is an attractive idea for those who are about to graduate, because it will be a fascinating idea to help students gain work experience. These experiences will be recorded in your CV and you should also actively show your employer these experiences.
3. Taste the "taste" of the job before long-term commitment
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Many students coming out of school face a conundrum: " What kind of job do you want to do ?" For many new graduates, this question is really difficult to answer. Suddenly, you have to bear a great pressure when you start up the career ladder and you don't want to make a wrong decision to discover that you are not suitable.
Working freely is like a formal job, it is a challenging time for you before deciding to choose it as a formal job. Through that job, you will know whether you are suitable for the job or whether the job is right for you. You don't have to worry about the consequences after giving it up, and it doesn't affect your future work at all. [Top 10 most income earning home jobs today]
4. During a job search, freelance work is not a bad idea
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When you first graduate, your bag is often in the " bag membrane " state, there's no money in your bank account to be able to spend and date friends. Therefore, until you find a formal job, you need to find a light, fast job. So, freelance work will solve this problem for you. You will have a small income to " survive" through the days of steady work. Because anyone who wants to find something will have a certain amount of time and money. Although it is a small amount of money, it can help a lot in this period, at least you do not have to ask for money from your parents. Of course, you should not expect any luck that might come from a free job. But it serves as a bridge between learning and work, which is the worst time for you.
5. Freedom to do what you like
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Many graduate students often want to do something they like long ago, not yet done. Can become a volunteer teaching abroad, invest in a project that you are passionate about or spend a year to relax, travel. Entering the career door cannot be the most preferred thing in your job list. However, the harsh truth is that all that is involved in plans so far - money is needed. You can both earn money and be free to pursue your passion with a free job after graduation. Use the money earned from this job to travel and discover new things before officially getting a stable job!
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