How to Survive Grad School
Graduate school is a big commitment. If you've decided to take the plunge, you may be nervous about how you'll make it through. Luckily, many have gone before you, so you know it's possible. Take a holistic approach and prepare yourself...
Part 1 of 4:
Making the Most of Graduate School
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Go to conferences. Attending conferences is an excellent way to get some feedback on your research and to keep yourself focused on your research as well. By going to conferences, you will also have deadlines to help keep you motivated.[1]- Try to attend a few conferences every year and remember to add these presentations to your CV.
- Most departments offer travel funds to help pay some of your costs. Check with your department well before the conference date to find out what you need to do to obtain these funds.
- You can also apply for special awards that are available to conference attendees. Even if you think you might not win, apply for these awards. If you win one, then it will look great on your CV.
- You might also consider volunteering to help out at a conference to help defer some of your costs.
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Connect with professors and guests. Graduate school is a rare opportunity to connect with some of the most established people in your field. This is where you'll build professional connections that will likely have a huge influence on the rest of your career.[2]- Professors might seem intimidating, but remember that all of them were once in your shoes.
- Academics have busy lives. If a professor or guest is usually too busy to make time for you, stick it out. Make it clear that you will do whatever's necessary to connect with them. You can volunteer to assist on an upcoming project, or to help set up for next week's guest lecture.
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Attend department seminars and meetings. As a student, you have access to all kinds of activities and learning opportunities. These are not just great ways to learn about your area of study, but also to make connections.[3]- If a specific guest lecture fascinated you, stay after and talk to the speaker. They may want to talk to you about their research or know of other opportunities for you.
- Attending regular activities and meetings shows that you're engaged. When opportunities come up in the department, your professors are likely to offer them to the students they most often see around.
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Take the initiative. Unlike undergraduate programs, in graduate school, students are treated like adults. That means that if you're interested in studying outside the department, pursuing a research project, or need financial aid, you need to seek those things out on your own. No one is going to regularly check up on you to make sure you're on top of things.[4]- Get to know your department's administrative assistants and secretaries. These are the people who can help you navigate all of the university's red tape.
- Ask questions! Don't be shy if you don't understand a policy. Remember that you're not expected to know how everything works right off the bat.
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Choose your advisor and committee wisely. Hopefully, you've done some research about the professors before you committed to the program. There should be at least one professor in your department whom you feel you can connect with about your field of study.[5]- Even if a professor is your favorite teacher or scholar, they might not make a good advisor. For example, a successful scholar may be too busy and absent to be a committed advisor.
- A good advisor should be available to talk to you about your research and your process. The person should be someone you feel comfortable approaching and being honest with if you're struggling. The person should also be someone whose work you respect and who respects your work.
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Help out around the department. There's always lots to do to make a graduate department run. Offer to help out when you can. It's a great way to make friends and show the professors that you're engaged and energetic.[6]- If you hear of an upcoming event, such as a symposium or a visiting scholar, offer to help. Mention to your professor or the office manager that you'd love to help with setup, or picking up the guest scholar if needed.
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Connect with other students. Some people enter graduate school with the feeling that they're competing with their classmates. On the contrary, your classmates are your current (and future) colleagues.[7]- Many people move far from home to attend graduate school, so they're probably in need of new friends at school.
- Join an on-campus club. It can be a great way to meet other students, particularly if your department is small.
- Joining a reading group can be a way to connect with others while advancing your own research.
Part 2 of 4:
Developing Good Work Habits
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Improve your research habits. Graduate school requires excellent research skills, which means using the library and not simply performing internet searches. If you did not take advantage of the library's resources as an undergraduate, then now is the time to start. Familiarize yourself with your library's resources, such as interlibrary loan and special databases.- Also, find out who the subject-area librarian is for your discipline. Most university libraries have librarians who curate a special set of databases for each discipline.
- For example, your university might have a librarian who is in charge of psychology databases. If you are working on a graduate degree in psychology, then this librarian would be a valuable resource for you when you are doing research.[8] Consider introducing yourself to your subject librarian and get his or her contact information, such as an email address or phone number.
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Develop new reading habits. In graduate school, you'll need to do a lot of reading. Even if you read a lot in your undergraduate work, your new workload is likely to be much heavier. Prepare yourself by learning how to read selectively and with your research in mind.[9]- Look closely at the chapter headings of books. Read what is directly relevant to your studies and keep asking yourself why you're reading a given piece. If you can't figure it out, stop and reassess if you should keep reading.
- If you know you'll have papers due, or are working on a dissertation, keep that in mind. Make notes or mark pages that may be of use to you with those projects.
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Avoid procrastinating. This can be a tough one. However, time management is key for surviving the rigors of graduate school. Keep a calendar and a to-do list in a visible place. Learn how much time it takes you to read an article or perform an experiment.[10]- Overestimate how much time you need to complete any task. If you think a paper will take you one week to complete, begin it two weeks before you must have it completed. Especially when preparing for a big event such as your defense or a presentation, give yourself plenty of time.
- Stay accountable by having a buddy. Tell a friend or family member about your deadlines and projects. They can call you to make sure you're working steadily instead of putting things off until the last minute.
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Make the most of research opportunities. Graduate school can present almost too many opportunities. This is the time to take them. If a professor is leading a fieldwork trip abroad, or a visiting lecturer is offering a weekend long master class, try to sign up. You won't have many opportunities like this once you're done with school.[11]- Take opportunities that you're genuinely interested in, not just the ones that carry the most prestige.
- Opportunities may come with funding, or you may be able to get external funding to pursue certain research activities.
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Create an organizational system. Anyone who's written a dissertation will tell you that organization is key to success. Find a method that works for you, and use it.[12]- Some people like to keep everything in files on their computers, for others, they need to have physical notes and files that they can hold in their hands.
- Dedicate a space (a desk, drawer, wall, computer folder, or filing cabinet) to your studies. Use that to store every piece of research you find that's relevant to your work.
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Push yourself. You've decided to pursue graduate school, which means that on some level you've accepted the amount of work ahead of you. Even if you get tired sometimes, remember that this is a unique opportunity and you'll be grateful that you made the most of it.- Push yourself to excel in your coursework as well as independent research. You've made the choice to go to grad school, so choose to give your classes your all.
- Pushing yourself is great, but don't push too hard. Graduate school is not worth making yourself miserable over. If the stress is too great, you should see a therapist or counselor.
Part 3 of 4:
Defining Your own Priorities
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Leave school at school. It is easy for your graduate school work to follow you home and bleed into your personal time, which can affect your quality of life. To avoid this, try to set some boundaries for yourself and stick to them.- For example, you could create a cutoff time for yourself, so that you do not end up working all of the time. You could plan to work on graduate school assignments from 1pm to 7pm every day and then put away the books and do something fun.
- If you find it hard to put away your work when you are at home, then you might also consider leaving them at school. You could set a physical boundary for your work by only doing graduate school work on campus, such as in your office or in the library.
- Setting boundaries is especially important if you have a significant other and/or children. If you are constantly doing school work when you are around them, then it may begin to cause problems.
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Allow time for fun. Just because you're in graduate school doesn't mean you can't still enjoy yourself sometimes. Choose the activities or hobbies that are meaningful to you and dedicate some time to them.[13]- Use school breaks to enjoy time off. Go on a vacation if you can. If staying home, take some time to read simply for pleasure. Spend some time away from your research.
- Look at your calendar and write in times for fun. Sometimes, if you don't schedule the fun in, it's easy to let it fall by the wayside.
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Make time for relationships. Graduate school can take a toll on romantic relationships and on friendships. However, you want to make sure that those things remain intact through graduation. Don't let graduate school come between you and the people in your life.[14]- Be honest with your significant other, friends, and family members. Let them know how rigorous your program is and what will be required of you. Also let them know what kinds of commitments you're able to make to nurture your relationships.
- Stick to your commitments. If you promised a friend that you'd be at their birthday party, honor that commitment. Do whatever work you need to do ahead of time to make that possible.
- Spend time with your children. If you have kids, make sure you are taking time to be fully present with them. Chances are, you'll feel more refreshed when you go back to work or study after some quality family time.
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Go to counseling. Almost all universities offer free counseling services. Even if you've never been to counseling before, you might find it very helpful while in graduate school. A counselor can help you with developing time management skills or figuring out if your program is right for you.[15]- There may be therapy groups on your campus that would be a good fit for you.
- If your university doesn't offer counseling, you can ask at the health center if they could give you a referral.
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Get enough sleep. This may sound impossible given your academic schedule, but getting enough sleep is essential. Getting enough sleep helps you be more alert during the day so that you can focus on your studies.[16]- Stimulants such as caffeine can hinder restful sleep. They may seem like useful study aids, but make sure they're not preventing you from sleeping.
- Power naps during the day can be a great way to boost your energy level.
Part 4 of 4:
Managing Your Finances
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Create a budget. As a graduate student, chances are you'll be living on a tight budget. Create a monthly budget based on any loans, assistantships, or fellowships you have. Compare this amount to your known expenses.[17]- For example, if your monthly income averages $1,000, you may need to find a living space for about $350. That would leave you $250 for bills such as utilities, a phone plan, and car insurance, and $600 (approximately $20 per day) for expenses such as food and incidentals.
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Seek out funding. There may be fellowships or scholarships available to you. Ask the administrative assistant in your department for recommendations. Apply for everything you are eligible for. You might be surprised at which funding you actually get.[18]- There may be funding sources outside of your institution as well.
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Find relevant part-time work. Any work outside of school can feel like a distraction from your studies. Try to find something that feels relevant to your research. This could be tutoring in a similar subject or working in a laboratory doing related work.[19]- Make sure your job will not take up too much of your time. Remember that graduate school is still your priority.
- You may prefer to get a job completely unrelated to your studies. This can sometimes be a welcome break from always focusing on academia. A low-stress job such as dog-walking or working at a coffee shop can sometimes help your brain relax.
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Seek out tax breaks. There are special tax breaks available to some graduate students such as the Lifetime Learning Credit. Ask your financial aid officer for advice, or seek out help from a professional accountant.[20]- You can also write off some of your graduate school expenses on your taxes, such as student loan interest payments, books, school supplies, and transportation costs.[21]
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Plan for loan repayment. If you've taken out loans, start planning now for how you will repay them. You may not have a job lined up, but you can begin to think about what your budget will look like once you're one with school.[22]- Federal loans can sometimes be deferred for up to three years.
- Your loans may be eligible for income-based repayment plans.
- Some professions in the nonprofit or government sector make you eligible for loan forgiveness.
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