9 things you should not do after graduating from college
Life after graduation will be very different from when you were still in school and it is difficult to change certain habits that were formed during school time? Here are some things you should be familiar with and some things you should give up after graduating from college.
1. Stop delay
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When I was in school, it wouldn't be a problem if you stayed up until 2:00 am the next morning to complete your homework, report or spend the night on Sunday cramming knowledge for the exam on Monday morning. But I'm afraid this delay in the outside world is not possible. Because your boss will definitely know that you are preparing a 2-hour report that should have been completed within 10 hours. And after graduation, you have to arrange time to improve your sense of responsibility. If you are still blushing then they will feel like everything is going crazy.
2. Stop chatting with people without purpose
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95% of your life after graduation will depend on the friends you go with the most. If you spend all your time on weekends just to have a beer in your friend's house, you should change your entertainment plan a bit. Because there will be nothing difficult after graduating from college , you can completely meet those who are looking for great goals, they will certainly not only want to live forever in the small village. They have to go out to fulfill their big dreams. Your job is to search for such things.
3. Stop making excuses . for anything
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Defense is an extremely dangerous habit, there may still be many people who suffer. When you start to blame your mistakes for something in your life, then you will continue to make the same mistakes from day to day. The best way to get rid of that habit is to immediately remove them from your life. Don't excuse your spouse, family or boss.Don't even excuse your pets anymore!
4. Stop babbling
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This is when you should download the online calendar application to your phone to use. Because after graduation is the time when you will face a lot of things so you always need things to support effectively to organize things better. Moreover, you will also have to worry about health insurance, taxes (and how to write them down), and something called 401k (corporate welfare programs).
5. Stop eating like a fast food addict
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I spent the whole time practicing to have a nice body, I have a 6-piece body, then suddenly after graduation and my abs became sluggish. Although I still practice regularly, I realize I need to reduce eating meatballs and drinking Latte at Starbucks. The metabolism in your body will be like a cow's after you finish university, so just eat potato chips if you can.
6. Stop drinking alcoholic beverages
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Yes, after graduation you are already 22 years old and now you should think about what you need to do in the future, not spend time with alcoholic drinks. Using alcohol after graduating from college is like someone beating you with a " iron bar " and drinking is a very bad habit. The National Institutes of Health said in a report: " Almost half of college students are immersed in alcohol ." After graduation, you must stop this useless race right away.
7. Stop discontent
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While I was in school, I used to tell myself " things will get better " and " I will meet a beautiful girl, learn everything and write a wonderful American novel ". But really I'm not happy with what I have. After graduating, you still have a desire to find work, but you also need to realize that you are not living in North Korea and your life is good now. Stop being dissatisfied with yourself by what you want it to happen, it will definitely happen.
8. Stop shopping a lot
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I'm not a tech lover, but I'm an addicted to shopping for clothes and shoes. When I went through the fashion shop, I couldn't help but stop to watch and come out with a shirt in my hand. After graduating from college, you should buy everything with just enough. For example, your iPhone 5 is still good and very good, you should continue to use it instead of buying a new one. Learn how to record your spending like a mafia boss, which will be a lot more economical!
9. Stop acting like a "stupid" kid on social media
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Your social network account will have more connections after graduating from university. You think that writing things that are superficial on Instagram and Facebook does not affect you, you are mistaken, because it may return to " reactive " if posting a photo shows a loose life on it. I have a friend who has encountered problems because of what they put on social networks. When applying for jobs, employers will refer to what you have written, shared and what activities on the social networking site.
Basically, you can summarize by calculating what graduate you will do. Still having fun but you have to be more responsible and need to do things better.
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