The hair-taking network of a Tang Dynasty beauty girl (618 - 907) and today's hair-shooting network are no different.
The ruler of the Vuong May period (45 BC - 23) is not much different from the clamp we use today.
The bag in the mural of Dunhuang of the Tang Dynasty surprised many people.From a few thousand years ago, the ancients used a bag of style and texture that is no different from our modern handbags today.
In this fresco from the Dong Tan period (317 - 420), the hairstyles of some artists at first look very modern.
Made from buffalo skin with oil of Dong duong outside so that it is not low in rain water, the base is nailed round, protruding outward, the soccer shoes of Nam Tong period (1127–1279) are not very different in structure. Compared to modern sports shoes, it is only a rougher design.
From the Han dynasty (202 BC - 220), the ancients had a horse-drawn carriage that struck trees similar to today's taxis.When the car runs a certain distance, the wooden statue with the drumstick in the car will hit the drum.This type of car can calculate the distance traveled to charge, the form is no different from today's taxi.
Overalls are not inventions of modern times, they are popular costumes from ancient times.
In 1978, when excavating the grave of the Tang Dynasty, during the Warring States period, archaeologists discovered two "Conveyors" - an "refrigerator" in ancient times.The ancient "refrigerator" has a height of 63.2cm, weighs 170 kg, and sells mouth glasses 63cm.It has 3 layers, the middle layer can give ice in summer, hot water in winter to chill or reheat food contained in the outer and inner layers.
Many people were surprised to see that the skirts of the Sui Dynasty (581–619) were not much different from the modern fashion halter skirts.
The glass cup of the Warring States period (476 - 221 BC) was discovered in 1990 in Hangzhou, Jiangsu, made of high quality natural glass like the one we still use today.
Warring States leather shoes are quite similar in shape to the popular "lazy shoes" today.
3-foot kilns are very similar to today's charcoal kilns.Archaeologists found them in the tomb of Hao Hao during the Shang Dynasty (17th-11th centuries BC) and they did not know exactly what the ancient people used this furnace for.
The Ming feather pen (1368 - 1644) looks quite similar to our water pen used today.
In the old days, people divided food into small compartments just like rice, rice boxes that we still use.
Glazed ceramic kilns in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220) were used to bake food.This oven is very easy to use, food can be placed on the oven or buried under coal.It also has a handle, which can be moved easily.
Ancient pearl hunters are equipped with oxygen masks, diving suits and seat belts.These devices are even more advanced than those of some modern divers!
Swan shaped spoon of the Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 BC) was painted a very beautiful paint, the design is also very delicate.
Ancient people have superior weaving techniques that make us surprised.The famous Han Wang Doi silk shirt was discovered in the 1970s, more than 1 meter long, two sleeves stretching nearly 2 meters, but only weighs 28 grams.A long coat like that but when folded, can hold in one hand.