12 attractive visitors to help you increase 120% of customers on the website

Do you know more than 80% of visitors to the website look at your goods but have no intention of buying? How to convert them into customers? How to motivate customers to buy more or leave information to become your loyal customers?

If you are experiencing these problems, then your website probably does not have the FFF attraction. Let's find out 12 attractive visitors to help you increase 120% of customers on the website.

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1. What is a website gadget?

Website widgets are all the features that are integrated with the website to make the website more creative and unique.

2. Why use utilities for websites

Website gadgets are only a small part of the web, but their performance is immense. The benefits that website utility brings are:

● Increase potential customers: The utility of form filling information to receive incentives, special care . helps you easily collect customer information, to "nurture" the next marketing steps.

● Increased buying experience: Web chat utilities help customers easily connect with businesses when they have problems. In addition, you can make your website more beautiful and attractive with seasonal website effect templates, or events available.

● Increasing sales: Using website utilities increases customers' attention to promotions, countdowns, banner off sales, new product banners, etc., thereby stimulating them to spend more.

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3. Set of 12 attractive website utilities of FFF

If you do not know how to integrate web gadgets, you can use FFF's customer-friendly toolkit, providing 12 utilities for all web host goals, including:

- Sharing social networks: The utility helps you integrate the set of website sharing buttons on the most popular social networks today;

- Maxlead: 6-in-1 utility kit, displaying company information, support via social networks, helping users interact and send quick requests on the website;

- Countdown: A banner creation utility that allows to customize the countdown of ongoing events on the website, prompting customers to make purchase decisions;

- WhatsApp chat: Chat utility that supports customers via WhatsApp;

- Banner Sales: A utility to create banners that notify customers of ongoing promotions and discounts;

- Contact form: A utility to create leads that receive information from potential customers, provide data for the next marketing steps;

- Banner Ads: Utility to create advertising banners with promotion codes right on the website, stimulate customers to buy, receive promotions;

- Tet holiday effects: Provides Tet theme effect templates, creates a festive atmosphere, increases the user experience on the website;

- Valentine effect: Providing Valentine theme effect templates, creating an impression for visitors to the web, stimulating customers to view customers, experience services;

- Shoppers: A utility that alerts customers that other customers are visiting your website or buying products on the web;

- Lucky rotation: a utility that helps you create mini games to increase interaction, attract potential customers right on the web;

- Press call: Utility to help customers contact businesses quickly by phone call.

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4. How to install utilities to attract visitors to the website

To install FFF 's add - on utilities, you only need to follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Login to FFF's suction toolkit, log into FFF's toolkit, select the utility you want to use at admin.fff.com.vn/hutkhach/

Step 2: Edit the gadget to match the content you desire

Step 3: Activate and test utilities on your website

5. Advantages of FFF's attractive collection of utilities

● 150+ pre-designed utility templates, meeting all the goals of the web owner;

● Easily customize the gadget that fits your site without technical knowledge;

● Suitable for all website platforms: wordpress, ladipage, haravan, .

● There is a free usage plan

A few shared about 12 attractive utilities to help you increase 120% of customers on the website. If you are interested in the toolkit, click here to experience the tool. Hopefully the article has helped you find the best method to increase customers for your website.

The article uses information and photos of FFF's attractive utilities. During the installation and use process, if there is any problem, please contact the hotline 0901 47 48 46 for the fastest support.

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