Why are successful people ready to receive criticism from others?
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Have you ever made the mistake that you could have avoided if you heard advice from others? Obviously, one of us has ever made such a mistake. Even big businesses have times when they encounter such a chaotic situation.
Remember the warning story from Facebook Home . Launched in April 2013, Facebook Home is considered an application that can change the way "look and feel" of users on a phone. Specifically, Facebook Home is designed as an application that can appear on the phone screen under the Facebook icon. This idea helps users to interact with Facebook at any time without logging in to the application.
Why are successful people ready to receive criticism from others? Picture 1
Unfortunately, the creators of this application did not realize that Android-based phones had too many directories or similar things that the Facebook team accidentally ignored.
If you keep looking outside, but it seems that this seems quite unexpected. People might think that Facebook already has a professional team to create applications that are suitable for the Android operating system. However, in theory, Facebook's staff has made an embarrassing mistake. In fact, they only focus on iOS devices, not Android, simply because they all use the iPhone. They missed the need for a large number of customers to use the phone with the Android operating system.
Getting feedback is not always fun, but very important
What can help prevent serious mistakes of Facebook Home? There are two things that can make a difference. First, regular testing on both iOS and Android operating systems can help them realize the problem. Secondly, they should receive feedback from customers right from the start of the application development.
However, people are born naturally, no one likes being criticized by others. We don't like to make mistakes and even constructive criticism we think is a personal attack.
In fact, the fear of criticism can lead to blame for external factors or others. In other words, we often give external reasons. We like to assume that it is luck, it is someone else's fault and that it is because of circumstances beyond our control that we dare not face the fact that we are the ones who make mistakes.
Why are successful people ready to receive criticism from others? Picture 2
Why are successful people ready to receive criticism from others? Picture 3
In some cases, people are completely isolated from external factors and they will ignore the views of others. This often happens in leaders who have achieved certain success and are too confident in that achievement. They claim that they have the right not to let others speak or dismiss people who don't agree. They refused to accept everyone's feedback and refused to accept criticism. It is called the Hubris trap. This is the biggest and most worrisome obstacle to effective leadership.
The price of avoiding criticism
Why are successful people ready to receive criticism from others? Picture 4
Some people avoid criticism because they want to keep a good personal image in everyone's eyes. When we deny responsibility for what we do and blame everything around, we put ourselves in the hook. If you don't believe success is at your fingertips then you won't have enough effort to make that project successful.
If you do not hear feedback and criticism from your users, products or services there is a high risk of failure. Even if it is a good quality product, it is not profitable because no one wants to buy it. A new product can be created in a few months or years but it will fail because no one needs to use it. The consequences will be a terrible disaster.
Recall the example of Facebook Home. From the beginning, Facebook had plans to sell users for $ 99 in two years, but since most people did not need to use it, the price dropped to only $ 0.99 in the first few weeks of launch. The company must also implement restructuring. The Facebook Home team has made a costly mistake that the company has to spend a large sum of money with the effort.
Consider criticism as an expert
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Successful people really always know how to accept criticism in a relaxed way, not to assume that someone is planning to attack them. Their confidence means that they feel happy when people comment and criticize. Moreover, they also avoid thinking that their mistakes or failures cannot be cured.
Accustomed to receiving negative feedback
There will always be people who don't like what you do. You have to get used to the fact that everyone will be criticized, so keep a calm attitude when receiving those criticisms. Failure is also fine! Allow yourself to make mistakes now or later.
Of course, keeping your ego is not easy but have an objective view on criticism or feedback, it will benefit you in the long run. How to know where you have to start developing yourself or start work from? If you are thinking about it, the criticism will definitely be useful to you, because it will show you where to start. For example, the comment "You did great!" It will not help as much as the comment "Your presentation is very good but your voice is a little high".
Be careful with useless criticism . Please see the instructions below to determine if your feedback is reasonable or not!
Give feedback quickly
You should get feedback on work and ideas as soon as possible, then you'll soon learn how to improve them. The Facebook Home team received feedback, but it was after the product was released. It was too late. Think about how much money they can save, how much time and how embarrassing it is to consult a user before launching.
Why are successful people ready to receive criticism from others? Picture 6
No successful person does not receive feedback or criticism. If you are preparing a project or risking a business, you need to be prepared to receive mixed feedback. However, as long as you know how to accept it, that criticism will not negatively affect you. On the contrary, it will be an invaluable gift to you.
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