Giant crocodile wrecks, tearing kangaroo in the blink of an eye

After capturing the Kangaroo, the Australian crocodile does not enjoy prey in the usual way but tosses people to the surface, tosses and teares the prey in the blink of an eye to make the viewer fearful.

After capturing the Kangaroo, the Australian crocodile does not enjoy prey in the usual way but tosses people to the surface, tosses and teares the prey in the blink of an eye to make the viewer fearful.

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Giant crocodile wrecks, tearing kangaroo in the blink of an eye Picture 1Giant crocodile wrecks, tearing kangaroo in the blink of an eye Picture 1

The saltwater crocodile, whose scientific name is Crocodylus porosus (in Australia called Saltie) is far more aggressive than its cousins ​​in the US or South America. And the way they hunt and enjoy a meal can also show that.

National Geographic high-quality video recorded by a dedicated camera shows the ability to destroy prey in Australia's crocodile flashes.

In the video, the crocodile patiently hidden in the water waiting. As the kangaroo approached the shore to drink water, as fast as lightning it rushed to nibble at its prey. With terrifying teeth and terrifying bite force, the crocodile does not allow prey to have any chance of protesting or escaping. The kangaroo was pulled into the water and quickly disappeared.

Giant crocodile wrecks, tearing kangaroo in the blink of an eye Picture 2Giant crocodile wrecks, tearing kangaroo in the blink of an eye Picture 2

However, crocodiles in Australia do not enjoy prey in the usual way. After submerging the kangaroo into the water, he launches himself to the surface of the water, using powerful bait throws to tear the prey easily.

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