Why are paper cuts especially more painful than knives?

If you accidentally cut your hand with paper, even though the scratch is small, it will cause terrible pain and take a long time to heal.

Paper may seem very light, flimsy and harmless, but in reality it can cause extremely painful cuts - which can last for days.

Dr. Hayley Goldbach, a dermatologist at UCLA Health, says we have nerve endings all over our bodies, especially in our lips and fingertips — places with subtle movement and sensation that are denser. even more dense.

Why are paper cuts especially more painful than knives? Picture 1Why are paper cuts especially more painful than knives? Picture 1

These nerve endings are called pain receptors. They send signals to the brain about things that can cause skin irritation such as temperature, extreme heat or cold.

If we cut our hands, the wound is constantly open because we use our hands all day long. Therefore, cuts will hurt a lot.

Wounds caused by paper cuts are even more painful because the edges of the paper are actually very jagged and sharp if viewed under a microscope, not smooth and flat as they appear.

Besides, wounds caused by paper are susceptible to inflammation because paper is made from wood pulp, cotton and other fibers, which can penetrate the wound. Therefore, if you have a paper cut, you need to wash the wound with clean water and soap, then use a gauze bandage on the cut to help keep the wound clean and prevent re-bleeding.

The paper cut is deep enough to reach the cell-killing agents but too shallow to trigger the coagulation mechanism that stops bleeding and forms a scab to protect the wound. Therefore, it takes a lot of time for new skin to replace dead cells.

Dr. Goldbach adds that there are mental and emotional factors such as the suddenness of the cut that make paper cuts hurt more than other cuts.

All of the above reasons make paper cuts really painful.

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