What is WTH? This is an acronym for which word
Thanks to the development of information technology, young people can quickly update new trends and slang to use in their conversations with friends.
In the previous posts, the network administrator explained to you some common abbreviations and used by many young people on social networking sites like Facebook: LOL, scattered, troll . In the article hey, we will continue to find out more about what the word WTH means, and which word stands for English? Please read along.
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What does WTH mean?
What is WTH? This is an acronym for which word Picture 1
WTH is an acronym in English of What The Hell, which when translated into Vietnamese meaning can mean what the hell is, or there are also users of What The Heck, which has the same meaning. .
WTH is a youth slang used to comment or talk on Facebook very popular. When using WTH you can understand two meanings, one is to show a surprised attitude to show frustration and indignation. So, depending on the circumstances and the content of the conversation, you will understand WTH in any sense accordingly.
What is WTH? This is an acronym for which word Picture 2
Hopefully our above article has provided you with useful information about the meaning of the WTH word so you can use it accordingly in each situation.
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