What is the spoon effect?

What is soup spoon with TipsMake.com? What are the side effects of spoon soup for your health?

Spike cords (spoons) are used by many as an herb for the purpose of treating diseases. So what is the spoon? What is the spoon effect ? Read TipsMake.com's article to get a better understanding of this plant!


  1. What is soup spoon?
  2. What is the spoon effect?
    1. Chemical composition of tablespoon
    2. What is a spoonful?
  3. How to use soup spoon for diabetes treatment
    1. Dosage of soup spoon
    2. Things to note when using a spoon

What is soup spoon?

Gymnema Sylvestre is a type of herbaceous plant belonging to the Asclepiadaceace family. This is a climbing plant, 3 - 5m high. Young stalks are green, covered with fur, when they are brown, have a hole diameter of 0.5 - 1mm. White or slightly yellow sap, leaves growing. Small, yellowish, white spoonful of flowers, arranged in sagging canopies of leaf axils.

Where does the soup spoon grow? The spatula is found for the first time in India as Gumar tree. From 2000 years ago, Indians used spoonfuls to treat 'Urine as honey as honey'. Today, in addition to India, the spoon also appears in Vietnam (especially in Nam Dinh and Thai Nguyen), China and Indonesia.

What is the spoon effect? Picture 1What is the spoon effect? Picture 1

Picture of wire spoon soup tree

What is the spoon effect?

Chemical composition of tablespoon

The main bio-active ingredient of the soup spoon is GS4 (Gymnema Sylvestre tested for the fourth time) including a combination of Gymnemic acid, an active substance belonging to the Triterpenoid Saponin group. In addition to GS4, many other ingredients are found in tablespoons such as Flavone, Anthraquinone, Hentri-acontane, Pentatriacontane, α and β-chlorophylls, Phytin, Resins, d-quercitol, Acid Tartaric, Formic acid, Butyric acid, Lupeol, Ancaloid (in plant extracts) .

What is a spoonful?

Numerous studies have shown that spoon soup works to support diabetes. Specifically, the uses of spoon soup wire are as follows:

  1. Lower and stabilize blood sugar: Dozens of studies both at home and abroad have demonstrated a marked blood sugar reduction effect of the spoon. A topic published in the Journal of Pharmacology - Ministry of Health No. 391 of November 2008 shows that spoon soup in Vietnam also brings about a very rapid hypoglycemic effect. The ability of tablespoon hypoglycemia has many similarities to fast insulin such as peak effect of hypoglycemia at 2 hours, maintenance of about 4 hours, level of hypoglycemia at 2 hours and 4 hours. Both patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes can use the combination of tablespoon treatment drugs to control and stabilize blood sugar.
  2. Lipid lowering, liposuction, lowering cholesterol in the blood: The spatula extract has the effect of lipid metabolism, reduces the digestible fat, increases the neutralization of steroids and Sterol acid through the stool and reduces the total Total cholesterol and Triglyceride levels in plasma.
  3. Stimulates insulin secretion and increases insulin activity
  4. Inhibition of intestinal glucose absorption

What is the spoon effect? Picture 2What is the spoon effect? Picture 2

Soup spoon supports diabetes treatment

How to use soup spoon for diabetes treatment

Tablespoon is usually dried and freshly mixed with drinking water. Water mixed with soup spoon is fragrant, easy to drink and does not cause a feeling of being inferior.

Dosage of soup spoon

In order to make the best use of the soup spoon effect, you can use it with the following method and dosage:

  1. Take about 25 - 30 grams of dry leaves to wash and boil with about 1 liter of water for 5 minutes.
  2. Water mixed with soup spoon is divided into 3 times, each time after taking a meal about 15-20 minutes.

Things to note when using a spoon

  1. Drinking tablespoons needs to be persistent to get the best results.
  2. Teaspoons cannot replace diabetes medications.
  3. Do not overdose.
  4. Only using standard spoons: In fact, the spoon is easily mistaken for other plants with similar shapes. Many people who use poor quality tablespoon disease are not only relieved but also more serious. Want to know if it is a standard spoon spoon wire, you can try by chewing raw leaf spoons and eating a little sweet food. If you lose your sense of taste, it is a standard spoon spoon because the peptide Gurmarin in the spoon leaves works on the taste buds on the tongue, causing the tongue to lose its sweetness within 2-4 hours.
  5. The GS4 active ingredient is abundant in the leaf spoon rather than the stem or branches as many people think.

In addition to direct use, today, tablespoons are also used to make many drugs. The advantages of these products are high levels of active ingredients, appropriate dosages and help users save time.

Hopefully our article has helped you answer the question of what is the spoon spoon wire and the spoon spoon wire. Visit TipsMake.com regularly to be updated with useful information about your health!

>>> More references:

  1. The most obvious signs of diabetes
  2. Toxic fat can cause diabetes, including thin people
  3. Diabetes - Learn Causes & Symptoms
  4. 5 eating habits should be avoided to avoid type 2 diabetes
  5. Supplementing Vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of diabetes
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