How to keep your pet healthy and happy during winter

Wintertime can be a struggle for pet owners. Many dogs will become lethargic and sluggish when the temperature drops, while some may even start to display behavioral issues such as chewing on furniture or becoming aggressive with other animals.

But if you follow some of the practical tips below, you may find that your four-legged friend remains content throughout the winter months - even helping keep your house a little bit tidier in the process. So how do we look after our pets during this chilly season? Here are some quick and easy ideas:

Picture 1 of How to keep your pet healthy and happy during winterPicture 1 of How to keep your pet healthy and happy during winter

Keep it safe

Pet suitability is important whether it's summer or winter. Just because you're cuddled up in front of an open fire with a good book doesn't mean your pet should be too. You may have an open fireplace, but your pet's safety should be considered first. If you are using a gas fire - just ensure that it is turned off at the mains when not being used. A hot water bottle provides warmth for humans but could burn or scald your pet so ensure they are kept well away.

Keep them hydrated

Keeping hydrated is super important during the winter months as many animals will spend more time indoors due to the colder conditions outside. Other factors can contribute too - if your animal has had recent dental work, their risk of developing gingivitis may increase which impacts their overall health and wellbeing too. It's also worth noting that dry air can cause irritation of both human and pet airways, particularly those with pre-existing respiratory ailments, so consider a humidifier.

Water - or rather the lack of it can lead to some unpleasant issues for your four-legged friend too – particularly if outdoors – dehydration, heatstroke, and frostbite. It's also worth noting that drinking from puddles is a potential source of disease as freezing weather may have left them contaminated due to animals urinating in them. Cats are more likely to dehydrate as they normally obtain fluids from their prey but dogs on the other hand will drink from puddles etc if necessary. In either case, try not to go overboard with water as this can cause diarrhea which is an additional issue during the winter months.

Keep their diet monitored

Access to food should be monitored closely as pets can easily go from a slightly above average weight to overweight in the blink of an eye during winter especially if you regularly give your pet food treats. It's also good practice to weigh your dog regularly and get them checked every 6 months with a vet. Again, cats will hunt for their food naturally but dogs on the other hand may need additional feeding so speak with a professional if considering this.

Regularly groom your pet

You should also consider brushing/combing your pet's fur regularly throughout the day as they can easily get matted in cold weather. With some breeds, this is essential for them to retain heat. Matted fur traps air which reduces insulation between their skin and matted hair. As well as being uncomfortable it can be physically painful too! Don't cut off matted fur (unless it's tiny) instead use scissors to cut the knots off at their base. If this is done halfway through winter you will be surprised how much of the fur your pet will shed naturally.

Get them checked by Vet

For dogs that are constantly running around in cold weather, or lying on the icy ground then joint supplements can help them with any stiffness they experience. It is also good practice to get older pets checked by a vet twice a year, just to make sure that their organs are functioning correctly. If you notice anything out of the ordinary with your pet then get them checked up as soon as possible.


Overall, looking after your dog in winter doesn't have to be too difficult. By using these tips and suggestions you will make sure that they stay happy and healthy all through the worst month of the year.

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