What does the world look like through an animal's point of view?
Many animals possess eyes that have wider vision, seeing more colors than humans, so their world of vision is very different. So, what does the world look like from an animal's point of view? Take a look at the series of photos below to get the answer.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 1
Birds can see many colors, can see ultraviolet light because there are 4 types of cones in their eyes, more than humans (3 cones).
However, each bird species has a different perspective on the world, for example canaries are said to be able to see blue, while many other species cannot.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 2
Cats can see in low light because they have more rod cells in their eyes than humans.
In addition, cats have a much wider field of vision (200 degrees) than humans, which is 180 degrees, so they can see more things than we do in the same direction of view.
However, cats see the world around them much more dimly than we do.
Mantis shrimp
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 3
The mantis shrimp has a complex eye with 16 photoreceptors and filters that make it possible to perceive ultraviolet rays into distinct colors.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 4
De's humans have a rectangular shape which gives this animal a better sense of depth.
In addition, the pupils in the goats' eyes are split which helps control the amount of light they absorb, allowing them to see better in the dark, especially without being dazzled by sunlight during the day.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 5
Scorpions have many eyes, usually 2 eyes in front and 5 pairs of extra eyes on the side. However, their eyesight is not very good. They can only sense the difference between darkness and light.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 6
Bats use hearing to locate echoes and find food. Many species of bats are completely color blind, others can only see red.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 7
Moles live underground, so they don't use much for their eyes. Their eyes are very small but can still see colors and detect the difference between light and dark.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 8
The vision of rabbits is blurred because the pupil is not recessed. Their eyes also cannot see red. Rabbits' eyes are located on either side of their heads, so they can also see more directions than humans.
What does the world look like through an animal's point of view? Picture 9
The sight of many species of worms also has light receptors, so they can distinguish between darkness and light, helping to distinguish between the environment above and below ground.
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