What do you know about PHP P1
Please read the knowledge and multiple choice questions around the topic of PHP programming. With basic questions related to this topic, hopefully readers will add more useful knowledge.
- Question 1: For: a. = "A"; a. = "B"; a. = "c"; A value is:
- "c"
- "a"
- "abc"
- Error
- Sentence 2: a = 4; for (b = 0; b <= a; b ++) $ c ++; Value of c? :
- 0
- 4
- 5
- Error
- Question 3: Results after implementing the following code:
- 74
- 154
- 26
- 170
- Question 4: Which language is PHP based on Syntax?
- C
- Java
- Ruby
- Question 5: Which of the following is an integer type in PHP?
- Int type
- Null type
- String type
- Real number type
- Question 6: What symbols are used to finish statements in PHP?
- A colon (:)
- Semi-colon (;)
- Question mark (?)
- Dots (.)
- Question 7: PHP does not support the following data types?
- String
- Float
- Single
- Null
- Question 8: Which engine is the main platform of PHP?
- Question 9: Which PHP compiler is the compiler you think is correct?
- PHP Translator
- PHP Interpreter
- PHP Communicator
- No sentence correctly
- Question 10. To count the number of data lines in the table we use the function
- mysql_num_rows ();
- mysql_select_db ()
- mysql_fetch_array ()
- mysql_count_row ()
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