Test on C programming P4
The C language is the most widely used computer language, along with the Java language, the leading popular programming languages, widely used in modern developers. Below, invite readers to test their knowledge on this topic through the multiple-choice questions below.
- Question 1: Character data included
- Digit digits
- Alphabetic characters '% ld'
- Special characters
- All answers above
- Question 2: Function used to allocate dynamic memory for dynamic memory type defined by programmers such as (union, struct):
- calloc ()
- malloc ()
- realloc ()
- All 3 plans on
- struct S1 * next;} * head; Know the pointer '* head' stores the address of the first element in the list. Which of the following statement groups adds an element to the top of the list:
- p-> next = head; head = p
- p-> next = head; head-> p; head = p-> next
- head-> next = p; p = head;
- No sentence correctly
- struct S1 * next;} * head; Know the pointer '* head' stores the address of the first element in the list. Which of the following statement groups deletes the first element from the list:
- head-> next = head;
- head = head-> next-> next;
- head = head-> next;
- Question 5: What is the wrong statement when talking about linked list:
- Each element in the linked list must have at least one field used to store the address.
- Using linked lists usually saves more memory than using arrays.
- Using linked lists often costs more memory than arrays.
- No idea right
- Question 6: Which sentence does not mention the advantages of using the structure:
- You can mix up data types in a unit
- You can store data of different length characters in a structure variable
- Data can be stored in a module and in a hierarchical form
- At least one memory is required for the same data
- Question 7: How can I represent the 'hoten' element of SV1:
struct SV
hoten char [20];
} SV1, * p;
p = & SV1;- SV1.hoten;
- p-> hoten;
- & hoten;
- Answers a and b
- Question 8: Where is the wrong statement:
- You can pass a parameter as a struct variable to the function
- Can pass parameters as a pointer variable to the function
- Can pass a parameter as a pointer variable struct to the function
- Cannot pass parameters as elements of struct for functions
- Question 9: Let array A contain elements of type struct, which statement is true when accessing the fields of the elements:
- A [indicator]. School name;
- A. field name;
- & A. school name;
- & A [indicator]. School name;
- Question 10: The memory space used to store the nodes of the double linked list:
- Storage scattered in memory
- Always store continuously in memory
- Stored storage
- Store segmented style
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