What happens if you wear underwear all day?

Here are some proven facts that show that wearing underwear all day may not be the healthiest choice.

For many people, deciding to stop wearing underwear may seem strange. Most of us think wearing underwear is absolutely necessary, not even taking it off at night. However, sometimes going out without wearing underwear can bring many health benefits, in addition to personal comfort.

What happens if you wear underwear all day? Picture 1What happens if you wear underwear all day? Picture 1

Here are some proven facts that show that wearing underwear all day may not be the healthiest choice .

You don't let your private area breathe

If you like to wear synthetic lace underwear, you should reconsider this habit. Although synthetic fabrics are more appealing than cotton, they are not as breathable or trap sweat and moisture around your private area. If this condition lasts for a long time, the skin around this area is susceptible to irritation, even leading to yeast and urinary tract infections.

It can cause body odor

What happens if you wear underwear all day? Picture 2What happens if you wear underwear all day? Picture 2


Synthetic fabrics do not sweat and bacteria will stay inside the clothes. These two factors will cause unpleasant body odor. To avoid that, sometimes try not wearing underwear because it helps dry sweat quickly, thus minimizing odor.

May cause skin irritation

Even if you're not used to being loose, skipping underwear is sometimes a good idea if you're experiencing discomfort or chafing in your private area. Wearing underwear that is too tight or made of artificial fabric can easily damage the skin in this area. To avoid that uncomfortable feeling, try wearing loose clothes and skip underwear sometimes.

What happens if you wear underwear all day? Picture 3What happens if you wear underwear all day? Picture 3

May make you more susceptible to allergies

Pink or purple pants look very attractive, but artificial dyes can easily cause irritation and discomfort to the body, especially for those with sensitive skin. Therefore, pay attention to the underwear material. Breathable cotton is still the best choice for your private area.

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