Vodafone and Nokia set up the first 4G network on the Moon

The network coverage on Earth is very normal but recently, Vodafone and Nokia announced that they will cooperate to set up the first 4G network on the Moon.

The network coverage on Earth is very normal but recently, Vodafone and Nokia announced that they will cooperate to set up the first 4G network on the Moon. The data transmission network will provide communication support for PTScient's unmanned spacecraft (a group of volunteer scientists and engineers in Germany) on space, expected to launch in 2019.

The plan will be implemented by Nokia Bell Labs, with Ultra Compact Network being the smallest, lightest of all space devices, weighing only about a kilogram (2.2 lb). When the plan is complete, it will set up the first 4G network on the Moon to operate in the 1800 MHz band to connect the explorer device to the base station, which will act as a signal relay device. Earth. If it works like ground-based workstations, this means that the IP-protocol packet switching system will be able to handle the data load between 100Mb / s and 1Gb / s.

Vodafone and Nokia set up the first 4G network on the Moon Picture 1Vodafone and Nokia set up the first 4G network on the Moon Picture 1

According to Vodaphone, this signal transmission system will allow streaming HD video from the Moon, and will be forwarded to a global audience via a server owned by PTScientists. In addition, this technology can be applied in future space science tasks.

Robert Böhme, CEO and Founder of PTScientists said: "This is an important first step to discover the solar system in a sustainable way. In order for humanity to leave the cradle of the earth, we need to With our new mission on the Moon, we will establish and test the first elements of the Moon's dedicated communication network. This LTE saves a lot of power, because the energy to send less data, scientists will have more energy for other useful scientific tasks. "

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