President Donald Trump made a shocking statement about the corona flu
As the United States has so far 624 cases of corona flu infection, 83 new infections, 26 deaths, many states must declare a medical emergency when the corona flu spreads so strong, President. Trump still expressed an extremely tough view.
In the new status line posted on his personal Facebook and Twitter accounts, he wrote: 'In the last year, 37,000 Americans died from flu. And every year, an average of 27,000 to 70,000 people die from influenza each year. Nothing is closed, life and economy are still going on. Currently there are 546 cases of corona influenza infection and 22 deaths. Think about that. '

In its latest policy statement, Italy will extend a curfew from the entire Lombardy region to the entire country, according to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Monday when the number of new infections and cases Italy's death has skyrocketed. Italy became the country with the second highest number of infections outside China.
According to CNBC, the Prime Minister of Italy, people throughout the country of 60 million should not travel except for work or some other emergency.
He emphasized that all mass gathering activities will be banned, and sporting events will be canceled. The decision was made to protect the most vulnerable people in Italy and that the new measures will take effect from Tuesday and last until April 3, 2020.
The number of corona virus infections outside of China will increase tenfold every 19 days if no strong measures are taken to prevent the infection, according to the latest research by Chinese scientists. Quoc.
According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), a team of researchers led by geneticist Jin Li at Fudan University in Shanghai came to the conclusion after conducting numerous studies with researchers. patients infected with corona flu. The team has tracked the spread of many virus infections outside of China.
Mr. Jin, who is known as the leading expert in genetics research in China, points out that the disease exists in the human body and can spread even if he does not show it. sickness. The virus that existed in Wuhan before or at the same time was discovered.
The team asserts that without strong measures, the number of infections outside of China would increase 10-fold every 19 days.
If the above scenario occurs, the number of infections worldwide will be higher than the number of cases published in mainland China within a few months. The researchers emphasized: 'The situation is very serious, we call on the world to act aggressively for public health, using the experiences learned from China and Singapore'.
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