Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions

Lien Quan generals are often used to combine images or videos in the article creating anime videos about Lien Quan generals in the article below.

Lien Quan generals are often used to combine images or videos in the article creating anime videos about Lien Quan generals in the article below. Accordingly, you will choose the video you like and then fill in the general's information in the video. Below are instructions for creating anime videos about Lien Quan generals.

How to create anime video information about League of Legends generals

Step 1:

First, you access the link below to go to the anime video creation page.


Step 2:

First, you choose the available anime video that you want to combine with the anime videos below.

Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 1Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 1

Or we can enter YouTube URL in the box if we want with 16:9 ratio and video under 1 minute.

Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 2Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 2

Step 3:

You access the game and take a screenshot of your champion information and click Select website image to upload the image.

Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 3Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 3


We proceed to cut the information image area on the left side of the interface as shown, then click Crop image to perform.

Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 4Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 4

Step 4:

Finally, click Create video below to create an anime video about Lien Quan generals. As a result, we have the anime video about Lien Quan generals below, click the play button to watch the video. Click Download video .

Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 5Tutorial on creating anime videos about League of Legends champions Picture 5

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