List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24

This is a list of strong champions in every position in League of Legends 9.24 with levels from easy to difficult.

There are quite a number of modifications in League of Legends 9.24 after a pre-season. For gamers who are in a hurry to choose a champion, take a look at the list below, you will know which champion is best suited for the position in the game.

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Top strong generals in every position in League of Legends

The difficulty level of champions will be sorted by color around the avatar like:

  1. Gray: The easiest
  2. Green: Normal
  3. Yellow: Hard
  4. Red: Very Hard

1. List of top generals

List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 1List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 1

  1. The best and most optimal champions (S-Tier): Kled, Singed, Mordekaiser, Urgot, Yorick, Dr. Mundo, Garen, Malphite.
  2. Good champions (A-tier): Ornn, Fiora, Darius, Shen, Volibear, Nasus, Tryndamere, Nocturne, Maokai.
  3. Good champions (B-tier): Yasuo, Rengar, Ryze, Camille, Riven, Rumble, Kayle, Renekton, Kennen, Illaoi, Teemo, Cho'Gath, Sion, Quinn, Jax.

2. List of general going to Forest road

List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 2List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 2

  1. The best and most optimal champions (S-Tier): Ekko, Shaco, Nunu & Willump, Warwick, Nocturne, Master Yi, Volibear.
  2. Good champions (A-tier): Elise, Kha'Zix, Jax, Jarvan IV, Trundle, Olaf, Amumu, Zac, Vi, Dr. Mundo, Diana.
  3. Good champions (B-tier): Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, Kindred, Graves, Kayn, Udyr, Hecarim, Rammus, Xin Zhao, Shyvana

3. List of mid lane champions

List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 3List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 3

  1. The best and most optimal champions (S-Tier): Heimerdinger, Mordekaiser, Fizz, Kassadin, Swain, Diana, Malzahar.
  2. Good champions (A-tier): Aurelion Sol, Katarina, Yasuo, Anivia, Ekko, Vel'Koz, Ahri, Veigar, Lux, Nocturne, Malphite.
  3. Pretty champions (B-tier): Zed, Ryze, Viktor, Syndra, Xerath, Orianna, Vladimir, Cassiopeia, Twisted Fate, Talon, Morgana, Galio, Neeko, Kayle, Zilean, Annie.

4. List of Gunner Generals

List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 4List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 4

  1. The best and most optimal champion (S-Tier): Heimerdinger, Jhin, Ashe, Caitlyn, Jinx, Miss Fortune.
  2. Good champions (A-tier): Draven, Yasuo, Vayne, Xayah, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Kog'Maw, Senna, Tristana.
  3. Pretty champions (B-tier): Ezreal, Kalista, Varus, Twitch, Sivir.

5. Chess support

List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 5List of strong generals on all paths of League of Legends 9.24 Picture 5

  1. The best and most optimal champions (S-Tier): Shaco, Zyra, Soraka, Janna, Brand, Leona, Nautilus, Blitzcrank.
  2. Good generals (A-tier): Thresh, Bard, Xerath, Swain, Zilean, Morgana, Taric, Nami.
  3. Good champions (B-tier): Rakan, Pyke, Vel'Koz, Lulu, Braum, Fiddlesticks, Neeko, Senna, Sona, Lux, Karma.

Above is a list of strong generals for each position in League of Legends 9.24 based on how easy or difficult. Now you know which champion to pick for your position in League of Legends 9.24.

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