Lien Quan Mobile: Top 5 generals that are difficult to gank

To limit being ganked when traveling alone, especially the 3 positions of Mid, Top and Dragon, Lien Quan Mobile gamers should pick the following generals.


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As a mobile and virtual Mage general (temporarily ignoring the ability to clear soldiers quite slowly), Raz is completely difficult to gank with his extremely fast 2 cooldown and only consumes energy, so he can check dust well. Raz has a lot of combos depending on the enemy and has enough damage or not, sometimes even ready to swap lives with the opponent's main force if necessary. Of course, when fighting, Raz prioritizes poking with skill 2 to gain skills and speed.

In fact, in rank, Raz is rarely ganked because this is a constant quality to be able to pressure the enemy flanks or jungle. In other words, it's okay if Raz doesn't gank the opponent, but on the contrary, almost none, unless your team is too short or holds the turret continuously in Mid when the enemy wants to go all in, or Raz is too high to be ganked. stop!

Although Raz's position is currently quite competitive, he is still famous for being self-sufficient and controlling his vision.


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Roxie is known as the quintessence of generals who have the ability to rush in and only get bored with the Hayate-style kite and kite group. This is a card that possesses a bully general, with the ability to take damage and pull the ultimate move extremely tight, so the trigger can be very good to retreat to the turret or wait for teammates to coordinate and counter gank.

Roixe does not have high mobility and cannot create mutations without the ultimate, so gamers need to farm soldiers at the beginning of the game to get lvl4 early and participate in control, bat disputes to bring advantages and then move Roaming ganks and taking advantage of your ultimates.

If it's Roxie Assistant, move to mid to help teammates clear minions and get vision, go down to Dragon lane to support Gunner when minions are up or enemy pressed, or help the jungle can eat too fast, control big goal.


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As one of the most mobile mage champions in the game with a versatile, morphing skill set, Liliana can dance in the mid lane and it must be admitted that it is very difficult to get ganked, especially when transforming.

With the ability to control, Liliana can easily block the attacks and close attacks of Top or the Jungle, assisting the enemy when going mid gank. From the advantages such as good poke, strong damage and control effects, many gamers often take advantage of this champion in mid to be able to carry later. Because at the end of the game, long-range pokes with great damage or sudden rushes and safe exits help Liliana a lot in carrying the team.


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Visibility is extremely important in the game, especially in high ranks or tournaments, good vision control is an extremely important factor to progress to victory. And this is also Elsu's strength.

This is a general who can know the approaching enemy very easily thanks to the sight from the eagle station. At most Elsu can get 3 Falcon Stations on the map to prevent being ganked by enemies very well. In addition, Elsu can also take advantage of the ability to hide when walking close to the wall to spy on vision or retreat.

Not to mention, this champion's ultimate has the ability to escape the gank extremely quickly with a very long range, at least with two quick results.  


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As a strong Gladiator general, if he has high skills, he can dodge ganks very well. Yena's transformation set of moves can help gamers attack or defend very well. Yena's ice pillar is the most boring when she is both uncontrollable and can be immune to injury, shock, and can be defeated in reverse. Yena is ready to counter gank if the enemy dares to rush in without being careful.

Yena requires players to have good enough skills to be able to maximize their power with too many complex combos. This is also the reason why her nearly full win rate is quite low. But in general, this is still a champion worth playing if gamers practice hard and go solo because they can do it themselves, eat by themselves and hide in the dust to attack the enemy.

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