Dynabook AX notebooks are manufactured in white, black and pink for your choice. It has a 15.4-inch LCD display. Memory capacity of RAM is 2GB, HDD hard drive is 160GB and a DVD drive and HDMI port. The machine is priced at 922 Euro.
Dynabook TX notebooks have a 15.4-inch LCD display and dual-core Intel CO 2 2 T8100 processor that delivers 2.1GHz data processing speed. It has 2GB RAM, 200GB HDD of HDD, DVD drive and HDMI port. The machine is priced at 1,100 Euro.
Dynabook CX notebooks have a 13.3-inch display and use the same processor, Ram with a Dynabook TX computer model. But Dynabook CX only supports the memory capacity of the 160 GB hard drive and the HDMI port, DVD drive. The machine is priced at 1,230 Euro.