Top 6 sleep tracking apps on Android

How to track your sleep on your Android phone? Discover 6 apps that can help you improve your sleep quality today.

TipsMake has introduced to you the 6 best sleep tracking and improvement apps on iOS. This time, let's learn about the apps that can help you manage sleep quality on Android. Let's explore now.


A good night's sleep is extremely important for our health. Those who do not get a good night's sleep may feel tired during the day. Through your Android device and a sleep tracking application, you can understand the quality of your sleep and thereby improve your sleep. Among the countless applications available on Google Play today, here are some good options that you can use to track your sleep.

BetterSleep: Sleep tracker

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BetterSleep is one of the most comprehensive sleep tracking apps. It not only tracks your sleep time, but also records the sounds and movements around you while you sleep. BetterSleep can record everything from coughs to sleep talking.

The app also focuses on helping users fall asleep more easily. Users can choose sounds that are suitable for them such as sleep sounds, stories or hypnotic content to help you fall asleep. Users can also create their own sleep sounds on the app.


Do I Snore or Grind

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This is a simple sleep tracking app. It will detect whether you snore or grind your teeth during sleep. The free version allows you to track 5 nights of sleep while the pro version removes all the limitations.

Do I Snore or Grind also includes other features like how to reduce snoring, teeth grinding, and offline support. You can also use the app in airplane mode if needed.

It won't track your sleep as deeply as other apps, but it can help fix some of the sleep issues you may have.

Google Fit

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Google Fit is one of the best all-around health tracking apps you can use. It can track your steps, calories, and sleep quality. You just need to enter the necessary information into the app and you can get the content you need.

Not only that, Google Fit also allows you to connect with many other specialized applications such as Runkeeper, MyFitnessPal, Lifesum.

Sleep as Android

This is one of the first sleep tracking apps on mobile devices. Sleep as Android not only tracks your sleep but also has the ability to support smart wearable devices to better understand the quality of sleep.


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In addition, this software can also emit sounds that can help you fall asleep more easily. You can also set an alarm on this application, but it will be difficult to turn it off and go back to sleep when you are required to enter the correct authentication image to turn off the alarm.

Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle is one of the most popular names when it comes to sleep tracking apps. The app monitors the user's sleep through audio analysis, identifying sleep stages. Sleep Cycle wakes you up close to your designated alarm time while you are in the lightest stage of sleep. When you wake up, you will see a lot of statistics about how you slept, when you snored, if any.

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This is a sleep tracking app that claims to improve your sleep quality. To improve your sleep quality, it provides you with some useful features like screen brightness adjustment, sleep statistics, snore detector, sleep sounds, dream diary

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Hopefully, through the applications that introduces, you will improve your sleep quality so you can be ready for a new day full of energy.

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