Top 3 Roblox games like Rust
Rust is a famous survival game that you can experience with your friends. Here, you need to gather resources, forage for food and fight against wild animals and enemies. Meanwhile, Roblox is a popular gaming platform that offers a wide variety of games. Users can also create their own titles on the platform.
1. Survival Island
Like Rust's survival game, you also need to find food and water to pass each day in Survival Island. The player lives on a dangerous island, can be affected by a natural disaster or attacked by enemies.
Top 3 Roblox games like Rust Picture 1
Survival Island allows players to earn gold by performing simple quests like fighting skeletons, exploring oceans . Then spend the money to buy tree houses, pay dues and more.
Download this game here.
2. Cenozoic Survival
The background of Cenozoic Survival will definitely remind players of Rust. Instead of playing a human role, players can travel back to the Kainozoi era and transform into animals to experience this survival game.
Top 3 Roblox games like Rust Picture 2
Players need to protect their village from enemies and explore the world around them. Players also need to pay attention to their hunger and thirst in order to survive in Cenozoic Survival.
Visit the game homepage here.
3. Natural Disaster Survival
The name is more or less telling about what's going on in this game. Players must keep their lives safe from incoming natural disasters. A few survival strategies in this game will definitely remind players of Rust.
Top 3 Roblox games like Rust Picture 3
Natural Disaster Survival is one of the most "old" Roblox games, providing 16 different maps for players to explore. The game will start with a random map and players have 20 seconds to prepare for the upcoming disaster.
Visit the game homepage here
The gameplay is similar to Rust but each of the aforementioned options has its own unique characteristics to provide players with a great survival experience and unforgettable entertainment time.
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- Please download Live or Die: Zombie Survival Pro, the survival game is very good and is free