Top 10 most powerful generals in Mobile Union
Lien Quan Mobile is a MOBA game for mobile phones which is very hot in Vietnam and is loved by many young people. Having such charisma is because the game has a quite diverse number of generals, each type of hero has a very unique and beautiful skill set. In this article, will introduce to you the top 10 strongest generals in the Federation of Mobile according to the evaluation of some players, please refer.
Top 10 most powerful generals in Mobile Union Picture 1
1. Elsu
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Elsu is the 74th general of the Mobile Union and this is a general with the role of gunner. It can be said that Elsu is an extremely strong sniper and the skills of this general accurately describe it. When it comes to snipers, what we think of is the ability to hide and the extremely long distance and that's right. Elsu's passive allows him to be invisible when standing next to a wall or structure, which allows Elsu to hide and make enemies appear.
In addition, Elsu has a technique called Strike that allows Elsu to perform an extremely long and extremely painful shot, when the skill is held long enough, the bullet can pierce every target until touching a single enemy general. The Falcon skill allows him to place a device that acts as an eye to detect opponents in the dark, and when Elsu is within the range of the Falcon, the power will be increased as well as the ability to penetrate armor. . So if Elsu is in the Falcon station and has the full range of the Attack Assault skill, he can only get 1 hit to the target, even the tank champion will have to go home to heal.
Elsu's ultimate is called Twitch, which allows Elsu to roll back and then return a bullet. This is an ability to both attack and escape, making Elsu more maneuverable. It can be said that Elsu is an extremely comprehensive general as it has the ability to hide, maneuver, detect vision and extremely high damage.
2. Zuka
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Does not cost energy, many control effects, high mobility, good stamina and especially the ability to stack extremely strong damage is Zuka. It is no coincidence that every gamer appreciates Zuka so because this is a truly comprehensive defense general. Zuka's passive allows for increased basic attack damage after each cast, this is what helps Zuka put strong damage that can defeat fragile champions in just one note.
The Chaos Spell allows Zuka to glide in the direction of the target and deal damage then Zuka can glide again for 5 seconds. This is the skill that makes Zuka extremely mobile, it is effective both in the case of chasing enemies and fleeing. In addition, after each surfing, Zuka's attack is enhanced to help Zuka put strong damage.
The second move is the Body Attack, which allows Zuka to roll forward to deal damage and create armor if the body hits the enemy. This skill both increases mobility for Zuka and creates armor that helps Zuka withstand and is beneficial in the exchange of skills. The Gravity Depression continues to be a technique that helps Zuka increase her ability to stack damage and approach enemies as it allows Zuka to soar and then should hit the ground to deal damage and stun. And of course after that is a phase of strengthening basic attacks.
3. Ignis
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Ignis is a magician who has just appeared in the Federation shortly, but it has won a lot of love from gamers. This is a general capable of accumulating good damage by being able to enhance skills in addition to being able to stun and create mutations in teamfights. Ignorer's Passive helps Ignis mark targets after being hit, after which Ignis's skills will be boosted when used on marked enemies. This is exactly what Ignis can create and differentiate from other generals.
The Fireball technique is the first and also the main damage ability of Ignis because it has a cooldown of only 3 seconds and high damage. Ignis throws fireballs at the first target after which it will explode and deal damage backwards in a cone. This technique allows Igins to clear the troops very quickly to push the road and when used on the enemy is marked, it will give Ignis a armor and increase movement speed, making Ignis more resistant and more mobile.
The second attack is a Fire, Ignis summons a rain of fire down a small area of damage for 3 seconds, if the enemy is marked with a good spirit, the Flames can still stun. This ability makes Ignis's ability to clear troops faster and also helps retain the enemy's ability to stun. The ultimate Fire Flame helps Ignis deal large-scale damage, in addition it will deal extremely high standard damage to enemies marked Fire.
4. Nakroth
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Nakroth is known as the most mobile killer in the Mobile Alliance. Indeed, if you ever play through this champion will find that statement is completely correct. Nakroth's passive knocks up enemies after every 4 basic attacks after which Nakroth will gain a 50% increase in attack speed when the victim touches the ground. This passive helps Nakroth to control the enemy when you approach them and does not give them a chance to escape but accelerates attack will help finish the enemy faster.
Recruitment 1 Jury is a technique that builds Nakroth's brand, which helps Nakroth to charge forward and knock away enemies, after which he can continue to activate again to dash and deal damage. This is the main damage skill that helps Nakroth have extremely high mobility, which makes Nakroth very suitable for jungle because he can gank very easily.
Zhao 2 Source of trouble is a surfing style, Nakroth players often combine 1 and 2 skills to create combos close or run extremely fast and effective. The ultimate Sword of execution is the ability to deal damage and during Nakroth's movement will be immune to all control so that he can dodge the move easily. In short, Nakroth is an extremely mobile and powerful jungle champion that you should choose.
5. Quillen
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Quillen is a very powerful assassin in the Mobile Union and he can see off any fragile champion on the counting board thanks to his assassination ability. Quillen's passive is Ramming, this is a very special passive and makes up Quille's trademark that when he attacks enemies from behind, his attack will make sure that his death is the reason why He became an extremely cold-blooded assassin in the game. However, in return, when attacking in front of the opponent he will not be able to die even if the player is on the network anymore, otherwise he will be too badass.
Quillen's 1 stance is Double Slash, this is a technique that targets the target when using Quillen will slash 2 times on the enemy and it will apply every hit effect. This means that when you use this technique behind your opponent, you will have 2 extremely fatal hits. Meanwhile, the second short of destiny is a glide, but it does not simply help Quillen glide.In the course of surfing, if an enemy champion is closest to Quillen, he will stab him and get a mark on him . When Quillen attacks an imprinted enemy, the Destiny will be cooldown and slowed the enemy by 30 percent, and if slipped back, the stab will also be fatal.
The ultimate will kill Quillen turn a round then invisible for 3 seconds and in 3 seconds that Quillen will be stinking continuously. However, every second, Quillen's feet will flash to help the enemy detect the location of Quillen. This ultimate will help Quillen can approach unexpected enemies and finish them in one note.
6. Wukong
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Te Thien Dai Thanh - Wukong is the 33rd general in the Mobile Union and is a general capable of approaching targets and putting strong damage. Passive Champion will help Wukong after launching a skill will strengthen the next attack to deal additional damage and that attack will see Wukong rush into the enemy from a certain distance. It is this passive that helps Wukong cling to the enemy extremely well and makes them unable to escape.
Zhao 1 Clone Technique helps Wukong create a clone then Wukong will enter a stealthy state after the clone will explode and cause damage. This is a technique that helps Wukong be able to approach the target unexpectedly and put damage, besides it is also very effective in the situation of fleeing. Whereas the second move is the Scales balance, helps Wukong increase the armor and magic resistance and when activating Wukong will rush in the direction indicated a short time, this technique helps Wukong much more mobile.
The ultimate is a skill that can deal large amounts of damage and stun. When combined with invisibility Wukong it is possible to make a rush in the middle of the opponent team and stunning to give the advantage for his team.
7. Richter
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Richter is an inherent champion and the skill set is quite complex and diverse making Richter a champion that is not easy to play but because of that, it is quite strong. First of all, there is the intrinsic Sword, each time he stands in a terrain for about 1.5 seconds, Richter's sword will change color and each color he will receive a different effect and this effect will affect the image. affect all other skills of Richter. Specifically, when standing on a flat land, Richter will change the color of the sword to yellow, and receive 10% exemption. While standing in the river, Richter changes his sword to blue, and gains 15% speed. While hiding in the dust, the sword in Richter's hand will turn red, giving Richter 15 + (3% per speed) attack.
Chasing 1 Chop and Slash, this allows Richter to glide a bit and deal small damage, at the end of the surfing distance he will also deal 1 more damage but twice as much as when surfing. Especially if the sword is red, the attack will knock out enemies, the blue sword will glide further and slow the enemy by 60% and the yellow sword will have no effect. This is Richter's main damage and you have to choose the appropriate color effect to hit the opponent.
Zhao 2 Comprehensive defense is a form of physical power, in the course of maneuver Richter will be immune to all types of damage and after the power is completed he deals a lot of damage to surrounding enemies. In addition, if the sword is yellow, it will receive the effect of quickly surrounding enemies for 1 second. Finally, with the ultimate, Demons, Richter will transform into a super-killing state that burns the area around Richter and imprints on the enemies. If the enemy is in a demonic area and takes 5 waves of damage, they will take true damage and be silenced for 1 second. It can be said that when combining all the tactics with the appropriate color effects Richter can completely perform phase 1 handicap 2 simple.
8. Fennik
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Fennik is a ranged enemy, but it is used by gamers for the jungle position because of its extremely fast clearing speed. The passive of Fennik helps Fennik have a longer range than most shooters in the game, besides it has the ability to deal damage around, making Fennik clean monsters very quickly and effectively.
Chance 1 Detonator is Fennik's main damage, he throws a detonator clinging to the detonator's target which will explode after 4 seconds or 4 attacks and deal quite large damage, the attacks on that target are also damage increase. In addition, after launching Fennik also gains speed. Tact 2 simply helps Fennik skim a segment to narrow the distance when chasing or used to flee the enemy. However, surfing will leave a trail of charge that damages the enemies who go up there.
Fennik's ultimate move is to compress the chain to a specified location to create a storm that damages and slows down enemies in the affected area. It is worth noting that this storm will help accumulate to activate K detonation faster. Because of his ability to clear forests quickly, Fennik can gank very early to coordinate defeating the enemy easily. When dueling Fennik also do not be afraid of any opponent because the detonator moves cause great damage.
9. Sephera
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Sephera is one of the most playable champions in the League and it is a very strong support for helping to switch to victory in battles. Say Sephera easy to play is because her skills are not the orientation skills you just press will work. Sephera's Cabinet is the Source, whenever she casts if there are nearby enemies and allies, the lowest health enemies will take damage and the lowest health allies will heal. This is a strong passive because it both deals damage and heals allies, very beneficial in teamfights.
The first move is Hydrostatic, which is a self-selecting skill when activated that will release 3 rays of energy that randomly attack at 3 enemies within range of damage and slow. Especially after launching, Sephera's attacks will be enhanced to increase the range of true attacks by the Sound of Water. Thus, each time Sephera attacks can hit the enemy one more time from a distance.
Sephera's second move is the Prison Pond, this ability will create a water area around Sephera, increasing the movement speed for Sephera. After a while the water will explode, damaging and stunning the enemy, but the impact range is only in the edge of the skill, so you need to correct.
10. Murad
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Murad is the most mobile and virtual assassin assassin in the League of Mobile, making it possible to create extremely beautiful Outplay, but this general is not easy to play.
Murad's passive is Soulful, and every 5 attacks, Murad gains 5% increased physical damage over 3 seconds. It also helps to neutralize the seal so that Murad can use his ultimate. It can be said that this passive is quite strong because it helps Murad increase his strength, this helps him to be able to flip the deal in the hand-to-hand combat, in addition to it is also very important to Murad's ultimate.
Murad's 1st move is the Shadow Shroud, which allows Murad to surf twice and the 3rd will allow Murad to return to his previous position. Especially in the first 2 surfing will damage and stun the opponent. This is Murad's branding technique, which makes Murad extremely maneuverable and virtual so that prey cannot escape because of the ability to stun up to 2 times. In addition it also helps Murad access extremely flexible site. While Murad's second move is to create an area of space that deals damage to enemies within range, those who enter this area will also be damaged and slowed to 90%. Especially when activated Murad will enter a state that cannot be selected as a target, making this ability to dodge and create extremely good on-body plays.
Last deception Illusion, an ultimate ultimate attack of Murad. When activated, Murad will create a lot of illusion of himself and continuous attack on enemies in the area of influence. Especially during the execution of Murad will be completely unable to be targeted as a target for 5 seconds. With such hegemony, Murad's ultimate can both deal enormous damage and dodge dodge attacks very well. However, due to the badass, you can only use the ultimate after hitting 4 enemies on the enemy, which makes Murad not easy to play even though it is very bad.
Above are the Top 10 most powerful generals of Lien Quan Mobile according to You note whether a champion is strong or not depends on your individual skills, if your individual skills are high, any champion in your hand will be strong. I wish you happy gaming.
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