Storing stem cells from baby teeth can save your baby in the future

But few people know that stem cells inside milk teeth are much better than those in the umbilical cord.

Currently, many families often accept a lot of money to store the umbilical cord stem cells of newborns to treat themselves and their family members with a biological index suitable for baby if suffering from a serious disease in the future.

But few people know that stem cells inside milk teeth are much better than those in the umbilical cord.

Storing stem cells from baby teeth can save your baby in the future Picture 1Storing stem cells from baby teeth can save your baby in the future Picture 1

According to Healthylifetricks, scientists have discovered that a true milk tooth contains 10 to 20 valuable original cells, which can be used to treat a variety of diseases.

Baby teeth of young children have 20 but only 12 incisors contain stem cells. Therefore, experts recommend that you do not throw away your baby's baby teeth, as they can save your baby's life.

In particular, if in the future young children have cancer, heart disease, spinal cord injuries and other diseases, these stem cells can save them.

In addition, stem cells can be used to repair teeth, fat, brain, pancreas and other organs that help repair damaged teeth and restore nerve and disease wounds. degenerate after experiencing different diseases.
In addition to recovering damage after getting sick, the stem cells inside the pulp can regenerate nerve cells, bone or even cartilage of heart cells. This is also an effective treatment for type 1 diabetes, because stem cells in baby teeth can produce more insulin to help control blood sugar effectively.

Storing stem cells from baby teeth can save your baby in the future Picture 2Storing stem cells from baby teeth can save your baby in the future Picture 2

Dr. Shi and colleagues also discovered that stem cells in the baby teeth of children aged 7 and 8 years older than stem cells live inside adult teeth.

So, how do we preserve the baby's baby teeth?

According to experts, stem cells will gradually lose their effect over time, so teeth that have just fallen will have to be extracted by special methods, and then stored in a special way in the stem cell storage centers.

There, researchers will proceed to freeze teeth in liquid nitrogen and when you need it, you can take them out and use them.

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